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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Dozens of people a day use the Bart line on Post Oak.
  2. My Jewish buddies with daughters get popped twice. Once for the Bat Mitzvah and once for the wedding. They cost about the same, from what I hear.
  3. Or just do it in Harris County, where we decriminalize most crimes now.
  4. Yep. A lot of mediocre talent and teams that run easy to defend schemes from the 1980s
  5. I am telling you from experience, doing it at your own place does not save you money if you have a lot of guests and if you want to feed them and get them boozed up. (As for the booze, we had busses for all my drunk friends as we went back to Houston that night and after-partied at the St Regis).
  6. I have been to far more extravagant weddings. Plenty of people spend half a million to millions on weddings. I went to an Indian wedding with days of events that had to cost a million last summer. It is a waste of money. If I could do it all over, I would cut my guest list in half and spend a month in St Barth instead of two weeks.
  7. Don't they burn cane fields in Florida?
  8. Yep. And this was 20 years ago. My mom went overboard. She has plenty of cash, though. Looking back, she knows she did it more for her than my sister. She is a lot wiser these days.
  9. We had our reception at our ranch (married at a pretty church nearby). Let me tell you, that costs more than a wedding venue. Because you have to pay for someone to provide tables, chairs, every piece of silverware, linen, chaffing dishes, plate, etc. Whereas a venue has all that shit on hand. We had 300 guests and it was a lot of fun. I do not regret spending the money. But we certainly were careful with what we spent. It still cost probably $80k all in and my wife and I paid. Flowers, food, booze, servers, photography, comfort stations/restrooms, transpo to and from chapel nearby, band, and a million different little things. I did not spend the extra $15k for a tent. We had perfect weather. 60 degrees, clear skies, and no wind. But man we were sweating rain in the preceding weeks. My sister got married at our ranch also but our parents paid that. Hers cost triple what mine did.
  10. The Blackberry circa 2008 or so is about the sweet spot. I loved that phone. Easy as hell to type on -- I used to type long ass legal memos or email responses when needed. Battery lasted forever. Durable and no need for case. You could access the internet for necessities but the interface was shitty enough that there was no way you would be staring at it all day. Good mapping feature. If you could add music to it, I would go back to it in a heartbeat.
  11. If he's not, he's on the Mount Rushmore. I think he is.
  12. Not sure if Luck would have been a great AD -- clearly any fool would have been better than Steve Patterson. But I am happy with the guy we have now.
  13. Ours was not a destination. But I always loved going to other people's. You only get invited usually if you are family or close friends. I looked at it like going on vacation at a cool place with a bunch of close friends where much of the food and booze was covered. I typically will extend my stay at the destination and just treat it as a vacation. It ends up being cheaper than a normal vacation.
  14. Yes, we were insanely jealous of that number 4 nonplayoff finish during the Covid year. When A&M beat the following 9 teams -- legitimate titans. 1. Signature win over 8-4 Florida by 3 points at home. The same Florida who got blasted by Big 12 runner up OU by 35 points, 2. 8-4 #18 UNC missing their entire offense due to opt outs when A&M had no opt outs 3. 5 point win at home over 0-9 Vanderbilt 4. 14 point win over 4-7 Mississippi State 5. 9 point win over 3-9 Arkansas 6. 2-8 South Carolina 7. 5-5 LSU 8. 6-5 Auburn 9. 3-7 Tennessee Got absolutely smoked by Alabama. Somehow, Liucci convinced those morons that their Orange Bowl win over a UNC missing all their backs and WRs was some big accomplishment.
  15. I usually just buy ammo at academy when I am there. Is online cheaper when you factor in shipping? I think there are close to 30 million modern sporting rifles in circulation in the USA right now. So hard to deny they are in common usage.
  16. I fish on a buddy's 38 foot cat hull with twin 250s. We leave in the evening and kind of slow roll out 100 to 130 miles from Freeport to conserve fuel. And it's a good opportunity to bullshit on the way out. Troll most of the day. On the way back, we haul ass back outside of hitting a couple snapper spots.
  17. Y’all are probably right. I just don’t care that much. It’s weird how I can buy large cap mags for my sporting rifles while I must pay $200 tax plus wait forever to get a suppressor. It’s silly.
  18. I think Congress can ban bump stocks. Hope the brace thing gets done soon. I have a couple of those in my safe. I really wish we could overhaul a lot of rules. I would be willing to bend on high capacity magazines to some extent. Maybe make anything over 20 a NFA? But Jesus, suppressors should not at all be NFA.
  19. Something hits different about South Texas saltwater fishing to me. I fish 4-5 days out of Port Mansfield every spring. I love it despite often extremely windy conditions. You stay out and grind, you usually will get into some fish. I love the LLM. So many days you are out there and the nearest boat is miles away.
  20. Crane needs to go hat in hand to Luhnow, apologize publicly, make him a massive guaranteed contract, and turn over all baseball decisions to him. We were a smart org under Luhnow. Now we are a dumb org.
  21. I was at game 7 in 1994. I was a senior in high school. Our family company had season tickets at mid court about 4 rows up. Great seats. My grandparents, uncle and aunt were supposed to go. The NBA was huge, in my mind, back then. I called my grandparents' house and jokingly asked if they had a spare ticket to the game a few hours before tipoff. My granddad and uncle had just been called to an emergency company meeting in Dallas. My grandmother told me she was inviting a friend but the 4th was mine if I wanted it. That game was very tense and close. Cassell basically iced it late with a three pointer. On the front page of the Chronicle next day you can see me high fiving my grandmother after that shot. One of my favorite sports memories. Houston had never won anything. I think I went to only a handful of Rockets games since then (college). And quit watching the NBA decades ago. But I sure loved the NBA as a kid. In my mind, the era from mid 80s to 1997 was the golden era of the NBA. So many great players and personalities. The current game of 3 point shots does not interest me.
  22. Kids in our neighborhood just Favor their booze. I was walking the other day past one of my best friend's house. He has twin boys the same age as my son (15). Little turds had a case of beer and another of white claws dropped off at their door. Favor driver just left it on porch.
  23. I need insurance for contents and liability. I was just joking about going naked. But I do plan on getting the highest deductible allowed.
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