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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. When I read Charlie Strong’s deposition in the Wickline buyout case. And I realized he’s half a tard. I knew we were turbo fucked. I’ve taken hundreds of depositions. I’ve read hundreds. I’ve never been exposed to a witness before that stupid.
  2. I hate seeing anyone light themselves on fire like he has and love a redemption story. He needs to figure his shit out pronto.
  3. Memorial PD and DPS were chasing a stolen vehicle (license plate reader tagged it). Black perp jumped out and fled. Was running through people's back yards.
  4. Really would have liked Dane Key out of that group.
  5. Several friends' wives in Tanglewood were freaking out over helicopter / manhunt last night. Was at one of my law partner's house in that neighborhood for dinner and that shit was popping off for about an hour. Cops and K9 were all over it, looking for a black male in a black hoodie. Not sure if they caught who they were looking for. But some excitement for a normally boring part of town.
  6. All we need is one player from one SEC team to sue. I seriously doubt that restriction would hold up. Would prefer it not be a player that is transferring to Texas. We get enough shit for other dumbasses about ruining conferences. Though if we are going to be called the villain no matter what, might as well actually be the villain.
  7. It's been an issue with him his entire career. Overall, he is elite in between 20s and shitty in red zone. It's a real problem.
  8. All offenses are best served with a QB who will make a play with legs a few times a game minimum.
  9. My kids do Ozark in Arky. The owners, the Torn family, are awesome people despite being Aggies. Highly recommend the camp. Depends on the kid. But my daughter started doing 2 weeks at age 7. And she had zero homesickness.
  10. I always wonder what cost of my premiums go to pay off dickheads (and their attorneys) in Texas who sue for a new roof every time there is a small hail storm.
  11. Used to argue with my insurer and lender all the time when I had a mortgage on my first house. I bought inside the loop (Afton Oaks) Houston in 2006. Think I paid $400k. Loan was $320. Was a 3-2 2k sq foot ranch. Back then, the cost to rebuild the house was maybe $220k. They made me get coverage equivalent to loan. I asked them if my house was a total loss, i.e. burned down, would they then be cutting me a check for $320k, the limit on the structure? Nope, they said. Just the cost to rebuild of $220k. Exactly was my point. The amount of coverage max should be the total cost to rebuild. Not whatever the loan was. Because my value was the dirt. Not the 50 year old small house sitting on it.
  12. I have never cross country skied. I would like to try it. I run a lot. Seems like a good alternative to running when in the snow. I was in Whitefish for 9 days over holidays and usually run in our neighborhood. There was too much snow to do so this trip. Downhill skiing was incredible. We skied 7 days. I fell once. On last run of the last day when doing something stupid. Sprained/jammed my shoulder and now am paying for it. I am normally a very sound sleeper. But this damn shoulder pain messes that up.
  13. That Okie chick posted yesterday had a busted up face and a good body. This one is gas.
  14. Yeah. He had issues with pills and booze. He looked a lot older than his age because of that.
  15. Wasn’t a Sylmar warehouse the site of a major coke bust featured in Narcos Mexico? These fires are incredibly sad.
  16. And SMU is a cush job for a president. Their outgoing president has been there 30 years
  17. Great snow in Whitefish. Been out the last three days. Going again tomorrow and either Thursday or Friday. Then Saturday. Heading back Sunday.
  18. I’m enjoying bowls. They are now exhibitions and don’t really matter. But cool to see some younger players.
  19. Same. Heading to airport early this morning to catch flight to Montana to ski. My Aggie wife assumed they won because they were up big when we went to bed. I said nothing. But made sure we grabbed breakfast at an airport restaurant with espn on the big screen. And waited for the realization.
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