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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. People robbing the 7-11 are pissed it is getting shut down. Cockroaches hate sunlight.
  2. Leon Fuller just rolled off our message board potential coach rolodex last year. So it will be awhile.
  3. Are you still claiming the USA did not give "any" money to Ukraine? That was your post.
  4. Or a public school teacher. They lap the clergy on having sex with the underage.
  5. Wrong. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-aid-ukraine-money-equipment-714688682747
  6. When I started on Longhorn message boards in the late 90s, I was still in school and early 20s. Many, many users were my age. Now most are still my age or older. Younger generations really do not use internet message boards like my generation or older ones. It's true for other message boards also that I have been a part of. A lot are dying off or at least have an aging user base because they do not attract younger users. Be interesting to do a poll on ages for Surly. I am betting I am right around the median or below it. And I am 48.
  7. Youngs don’t do internet message boards. It’s why all are aging and will die out in a generation.
  8. Sounds like a lot of people should be betting against and shorting Tesla stock.
  9. Being an Aggie has been the greatest honor of his life.
  10. https://texags.com/forums/34/topics/3526052/replies/69604315#69604315
  11. I was at that game. My main recollection is watching a freshman LB named Derrick Johnson fly all over the field. And thinking as someone who really started watching the Longhorns in the late 80s in junior high that I'd never seen a Texas LB anywhere close to that good.
  12. Amen. I don't believe anyone is beyond redemptions or comebacks
  13. Elon can multitask. $40 billion annually here. $40 billion there. It adds up to real money. Nothing like the $200 billion we've handed over to Ukraine, $100 billion which disappeared like a fart in the wind.
  14. ITT people who've never heard of USAID before this week express strong expert opinions on its efficacy and merit.
  15. I looked around and could not find much. Anyone know how many underclassmen for Ohio State entered the draft? Anyone expected to leave that stayed?
  16. I would also say this, if you have a catastrophic injury, and you go direct to the lawyer that is going to actually work up the case instead of through the billboard guys or case runners who just sign it up and refer it out to the guys who really work it up, you can often negotiate a lower rate than 40% or 45% that is common because you are cutting out the middleman. Maybe 33%. The trial guy makes more because he isn't paying 40 to 50% of his fee to the originating attorney. Your case, thankfully, does not sound like one of those catastrophic cases (death, burn, TBI, amputation or paralysis).
  17. Banged up my shoulder skiing over New Years (skied 6 days and fell on the last run of the last day doing something stupid). Minor injury -- mostly discomfort and less range of motion. Been keeping up with running and body weight fitness like push ups and dips. Was able to lift actual weights for the first time since New Years. Did not lose any progress as far as I can tell. Still sitting around 190 at 6'2". More interested in replacing fat with muscle now. 185 would probably be about right with the right body comp. Just going to keep eating a lot of lean protein and hitting the gym.
  18. Reminds me of the park next door to a place we rent in Colorado every summer.
  19. Seems to me most of the reclassifying players, at least the ones I have noticed, are all 18 anyway. In other words, they were likely redshirted as youngsters and are reclassifying into the grade they should have been in. So instead of being a 19 year old when starting college, they are 18.
  20. Sorry for your loss. I lost my dad when I was 16. I doubt it is any easier at an older age.
  21. Ewers had 19 turnovers this year. I doubt Arch does worse than that.
  22. That wasn't a prayer or sermon, that was a political speech. But the biggest red flag to me was absolutely no mention of Christ. God is portrayed as this distant being and people are supposed to be leftist social activists in order to be 'good'. Those are the words of a false prophet that has no personal relationship with Christ. Unfortunately there are many American churches filled with those types. Lost people. Entirely predictable "prayer" service with a woman bishop in the Episcopalian "church".
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