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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Needed a last minute reservation on Easter. Went to Hudson House on West Gray. Was just average.
  2. Just got a place there. Going to be up there from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Going to be a big change from the Roaring Fork Valley. But I am so looking forward to it. Really loved skiing there for first time over Spring Break. My house is on a manmade water ski lake in between Kalispell and Whitefish. Going to spend a lot of the summer on that lake, Flathead Lake, and Whitefish Lake. Montana is beautiful. And the people I have met so far, our neighbors, are awesome. I am done spending summers in Texas.
  3. Nice illegal tint
  4. Altuve is maybe the dumbest base runner I’ve ever seen. He combines shitty instinct with having his head up his ass.
  5. What is the best app for tracking your ski activity?
  6. Washington Post
  7. Pinkerton’s opening up #3. Going to be at old 59 Diner location on Shepherd.
  8. If you only live in the city, I get it. But if you live in a rural area or have a ranch/hunting lease, the equation is much different. Getting a plumber, mechanic, or electrician to come out from 25 or so miles from Pearsall or Cotulla is expensive and you may not get them. You have to know or learn how to do a lot of stuff if you do not live in the city. Youtube makes this so much easier.
  9. Please do not perpetuate this Aggie nonsense here. The SWC had scholarship limits starting in 1965. And Texas was not even signing the biggest classes in that era or stacking tons of talent. It was mostly coaching, scheme, and very good S&C under Medina.
  10. Yes sir. Two weeks ago. We had to fly through Spokane for Spring Break. Reminded me of that movie so we went ahead and bought it on Amazon and watched during our ski trip. Love that movie.
  11. I like Pappas the best of those. We go to Westheimer location pretty often and usually just get a table in the bar, so more informal. DaMarco would be my #2.
  12. My daughter is a really good athlete. She loves gymnastics and soccer. We have to rein her in as she would do gymnastics every day instead of once a week if we let her. We backed her down to once a week because she kept hurting herself. Her soccer league, Ziad, is pretty damn great in Houston. I feel like it is plenty competitive but they don't overdo it. There are three practices and one game per week in fall and spring. But practices are at St John's which is right down the street and many kids only go to one or two practices per week. They are designed where you aren't expected to attend every practice or game. I have zero interest in her doing competitive cheer or something that requires travel. She will be good enough to be one of the top handful of soccer players and cheerleaders at her school when she goes to high school in a couple years. My son has gotten into wrestling. It is just a fantastic sport for a high school boy for all sorts of reasons. He loves it and does it year round.
  13. He should seriously consider severing his relationship with alcohol.
  14. Busts happen. The player needs to get in proper physical condition. All the resources are there.
  15. An NFL stadium but at the Fair Grounds instead of Arlington would suck too.
  16. Did he treat you nice after?
  17. She discusses that in her book. Permissive or gentle parenting is destructive. Authoritarian is destructive -- cold discipline with no love and obey because I said so/fear. Authoritative -- rules imposed but with love is what she suggests is best.
  18. I fly fairly frequently even though I do not enjoy flying commercial. I have never seen anything close to any of this stuff. I wonder how many people here have personally witnessed crap like this? About the worst I have seen is people getting drunk and talking loud. Or slobs who do not know how to dress themselves. And the general small annoyances of people who do now know how to act or are just inconsiderate -- bringing on too much carry on luggage, trying to rush to front of plane at landing for no reason like a tight connection, bringing smelly food aboard, bring too fat to fly, poor personal hygiene, using a wheel chair to board for priority but not needing one to deplane (SWA), etc. The worst thing I experienced was a few years ago I was sitting in First Class and a Chinese national spent the whole flight spitting saliva into a clear plastic cup. Not as bad as snuff. But disgusting.
  19. Basically what I posted. Ani going to tell you to sleep well.
  20. That is not the premise I was discussing. It is not nice to give kids therapy when they do not need it. It is not nice to practice what is called "gentle parenting" with no structure or rules. It is not nice to be a bulldozer or helicopter parenting. These things are destructive, no matter how well meaning you are.
  21. None of us have any idea what they were doing immediately before the droning. If they were combatants who had just engaged the IDF, would your opinion be different? Also, what was the secondary explosion?
  22. There is no way of knowing from the footage whether these are civilians or combatants (Hamas fighters do not wear uniforms).
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