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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Not sure about that given our nearby rival's main website, Texags.com
  2. Every time I am close to wanting to abandon the DP, I read about a crime like this.
  3. They letting Bowman start again? If so, I doubt they are winning much. They had ridiculous luck last year, and I doubt that repeats.
  4. My aunt lives in Dallas and has 4 really, really good seats. She loves football and the Cowboys. Has been a season ticket holder for 30 years. But she never goes to the game because she would rather watch on tv and tells me the ingress and egress traffic is horrible. She just sells them every week and makes a ridiculous amount of money. It sounds like there is still plenty of demand for tickets, per what she tells me she sells hers for. My family has a ton of Texans tickets to the point we rarely use them all as a family. And most are prime club level first or second row between the 40s. When I sell them even when they are decent, I get maybe 1/3 of what she does.
  5. I too have great faith in this career mediocre head coach.
  6. I’ll take Yurosek over Niblack. 103 receptions in 30 games is pretty strong. Good YPC. Good blocker. Bama fans don’t think much of Niblack.
  7. Wish we could cut what I assume is a massive amount of administrative bloat in Belmont and then direct some of those contributions that fund that bloat to Texas One Fund. I bet an outside consultant/auditor could find all sorts of redundancies and wastes in Belmont -- here's looking at you, Plonsky!
  8. He was a good DC 20 years ago. Not sure if he has CTE or something, but from reading his deposition transcript in the Wickline lawsuit I think he's on the regard level at this point Q. Who are your current quarterback on your -- on your team right now? A. Swoops. Q. What's his -- what's his first name? A. He goes by Swoops. Jarrod Heard. What's my man's first name? I -- done went blank on me. Q. That happens to me. I call them senior moments. We're getting up there. A. I know it. *** Q. Mr. Strong, where do you reside? A. Austin, Texas. Q. Do you have a street address? A.(Address deleted from the record by agreement) Q. That's here in Austin? A.Yes. Q. And what's the zip code? A.You got me. Q. Do you know the zip code? A. No, I don't. Q. Okay. Arkansas game, ran 43 plays. How many of those did -- were -- was Joe Wickline responsible for? A. Bad day. Q. Not much offensive production that day. A. 43 plays. Not much at all. Q. A lot of offensive -- I mean, a lot of running plays that game, weren't there? A. I don't know. Q. So did Joe call most of the plays on that day? A. I don't remember. It was an awful day. It's -- I don't want to remember that game we were so bad. Q. Between your two guys calling offensive plays that day, who called more of them, Joe or Shawn? A. I don't know that. Q. Now, I assume when you -- you got the job offer at the University of Texas you were quite flattered. Is that accurate? A. Me being flattered? Q. Yes. A. I wouldn't say I was flattered. Q. Well, you would agree with me, wouldn't you, that the University of Texas is probably regarded as a top-ten collegiate coaching destination, wouldn't you? A. I mean, but -- what -- I feel like I'm qualified to be -- I mean, that's why I say I'm not flattered. Q. Well -- and -- and -- and I didn't -- I didn't mean that derogatory. In fact, I meant it to be -- I meant to praise you. A. Oh, okay. I'm sorry.
  9. It's wishcasting. Because the alternative is really hard to accept.
  10. If it was not surrounded by Texas, OU, and LSU in close proximity it might be. But because of that, nope.
  11. I have seen enough of Blue down the stretch to know that he is an absolute badass who is going to kill it in our offense. As a runner, pass catcher, and if they let him, kickoff returns. He has rare speed for a back and plays big. That fumble was unfortunate, he was trying to make a play and get extra yards. But he is going to be a major, major problem for opposing teams. I am concerned about precisely two positions right now, DT and TE. And I am not all that concerned about them. I suspect they will be addressed.
  12. Do you ever go to Vince's out here? No, I would have seen you. I'm there every day
  13. Now get a TE, preferably the Stanford one (failing that the Alabama one), and our offense is set. Then get a couple DTs between now and August.,
  14. One site we all hate is suggesting Bolden commit to us is imminent.
  15. You don't understand, On3 was created by Sip mastermind Bobby Burton to spew anti-A&M propaganda. You need to look at Liucci's rankings, which are real. The Elk is actually dominating the portal. Trust The Elk.
  16. It is generally an awful strategy. TCU did it last year. And landed a bunch of scrubs who take up scholarships. If the first thing in a transfer tweet is noting the recruiting ranking, there is nothing about production in college, and the player has had two years in a college system, you don't want them.
  17. And Michigan 2024 is nowhere near Michigan 2023.
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