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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. What do we say here about speaking out? "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." You know what they say in Japan? "The nail that sticks out, gets hammered down." There's all you need to know about that.
  2. Chad Fuck

    Led Zeppelin

    A buddy took his daughter last night and said it was pretty good. He said there are several never before seen live Zeppelin performances that they play in their entirety. So it's probably worth the price of admission just for that.
  3. It can, but it's still part of the problem.
  4. Is this real? That’s the fucking job Marco. You hang out with people you may not necessarily like or agree with. For fucks sake. Every minute a new stupidity.
  5. You ATE 30 eggs a week. Literally just got back from buying eggs at the Tom Thumb and there’s a “we ain’t got x y z because bird flu and other shit” sign on the eggs coolers. That may not be word for word, but you get it.
  6. Chad Fuck

    Led Zeppelin

    Taking Jr to see it Friday. Looking forward to it.
  7. Don’t forget gerrymandering going haywire.
  8. That's a nifty headline, but to me it just looks like two guys on a lark trying to blow off steam after being on the front line. The real shit is buried deep in the article:
  9. Yeah, no one is going to disagree that there are problems with Congress.
  10. I don't feel like this is really much of a refutation. I mean, you're not wrong, tfg is an idoit who puts himself in compromising situations all the time. Literally. Yet at the same time, Putin has thrown his eggs in the Ukraine basket. My guess is a significant number of his operatives have been whacked both in and out of Ukraine, by Ukraine. So maybe, if Putin decided to really focus himself on it, he could get tfg killed. But again, why would he? He's getting what he wants now. Anyone who replaced him, sans Elmo would be an improvement. Nah. He don't want that.
  11. Sure. That's what they'll say. But secretly, they really want to see Taylor too.
  12. Let's not ascribe more power to our enemy than he already has. Even though Elmo and tfg are fuck ups, that doesn't mean their security are fuck ups too. But more than that, never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake. They both continue to do things that benefit Russia and China - namely, fucking up America. So there's currently no need for him to do so. Even if he could, and it would pain him not to do so if we continue to support Ukraine, he won't because the fuckups those two are committing are bigger than just Ukraine.
  13. I want to believe, but it'll take a lot of convincing. I'm here for it if it does happen.
  14. Link? Because I definitely want to see that transcript.
  15. Anyone else here remember how it worked out when Reagan parked a lot of our Marines between two warring factions in Lebanon? No? Cool, cool.
  16. We already passed that point. Congress has failed the test. Thune and Johnson are who would’ve had to say “stop!” They haven’t. The longer this goes on the less likely Elmo is to be tossed. Thune and Johnson have in effect rendered themselves and Congress superfluous by their inaction.
  17. It was the same crazy from day one last time around. Except this time, it’s with extra special crazy sauce.
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