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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. He's just a monsoon of chaos.
  2. But that one isn't cruel because the people being made fun of weren't capable of making sane rationale decisions. Idiots, in other words. If we were making fun of idiots it might be cruel. But that would mean all those maga folks were idiots, and surely that isn't the case, right? Right?
  3. Hahahaha. So the infighting begins. Yes!
  4. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/local/galveston/2024/11/04/505007/galveston-port-officials-vote-unanimously-to-continue-negotiations-for-battleship-texas/ seawolf park is not a good location for it. better than san jac but you want to be where the foot traffic is, and that isn't seawolf park. 19 really is the best for foot traffic and katie's doesn't actually have a view of the bay, but i assume if this came unmoored it would smash katie's. 15 is behind some gated roads and industrial park, at that point i think 12 would be better and be right alongside royal caribbean's terminal. Do we have any idea of what’s really going on here? It seems like there was a bit of gamesmanship/ local politics going on to throw a wrench in what seems on its surface to be a win win situation.
  5. Along with Toonces, this is one of the most apt gifs for these times evah.
  6. And for post pics man. This ain’t ‘Nam!
  7. Dear Leader wears a turd for a hat? It is the most beautiful and fragrant turd hat of all time Dear Leader! My how the polish doth radiantly glow!
  8. fify He's going to run around in cars picking girls up off the street like Lavrentiy Beria.
  9. Jesus dude. Welcome to the party. This is all just a way for him to sort out the loyalists from the old guard (read: not clinically insane) Republicans. Anyone who dares not to support these turds for confirmation immediately outs themselves as questionable in the eyes of dear leader, and therefore subject to purging. If he nominated a fresh turd for Secretary of Minions, they'd all better run around screaming about what a magnificent turd has been nominated. And it smells like Windex! Otherwise, they'll be out of a job at best and without a head at worst.
  10. I'm gonna try for the kingdom if I can 'cause it makes me feel like I'm a man
  11. Man, I was so spot on. Do I get some sort of innerwebz award?
  12. This is pretty fucking grim on a purely humanistic level. Real 1984 shit. And I’ve read some grim stuff lately. Maybe they’ll come back from Ukraine with a whole new plan?
  13. Totally necessary for that fucking guy. Butthead here torches all the evidence against tfg and then as a bonus gets to torch the evidence against himself.
  14. At least one is going to HUD. Not any news I've seen, just a feeling.
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