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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Man, I was so spot on. Do I get some sort of innerwebz award?
  2. This is pretty fucking grim on a purely humanistic level. Real 1984 shit. And I’ve read some grim stuff lately. Maybe they’ll come back from Ukraine with a whole new plan?
  3. Totally necessary for that fucking guy. Butthead here torches all the evidence against tfg and then as a bonus gets to torch the evidence against himself.
  4. At least one is going to HUD. Not any news I've seen, just a feeling.
  5. https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/13-november-19-bridge-collapsed-under-overweight-truck-in
  6. I have a strong affinity for this. While recognizing that Israel is the only democracy in the ME, for which I have some sympathy, Bibi is a total asshole. One of the Founding Fathers' great ideas was "let's not bring all that European infighting over HERE. Let's get us a fresh start." I thought that was somewhat true for the intractable Arab-Israeli conflicts of the last 50 years. We can argue about who bought it here first, but it seems to be a cancer to the body politic from where I'm standing.
  7. This SOB voting against a fellow Texan. Yet another reason so many find his face so punchable.
  8. This is a less dark spot then. I don't see Thune or Cornyn abdicated the Senate's "advice and consent" role. Then again, I've been wrong about other things. And very recently too.
  9. I played a lot of PanzerBlitz and PanzerLeader in middle school. I am also well qualified by that standard. You may be overqualified.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/nov/12/donald-trump-marco-rubio-juan-merchan-stormy-daniels-us-politics-live?CMP=share_btn_url&page=with%3Ablock-6733be998f089359e632fb98#block-6733be998f089359e632fb98 Guardian has picked that up to. I'm very curious how this will actually work in practice.
  11. Great review. For those of us not steeped in the VH lore, what’s she short version of why Sammy is barely mentioned? What’s the beef?
  12. I get the example I gave was extreme. But he has no limits now. Time will only tell. Hopefully it's a story of the ineptitude and inadequacies of a man steamrolling into dementia and his merry band of sycophantic ne'er do wells tripping over their own dicks in a malevolent parody of Veep. But I can imagine there will be times when the story is much worse.
  13. Perhaps you're correct. I guess we'll see. It could just as easily Kash what's his face again.
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