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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. I didn't see how long ago he graduated from there. Long enough to forget nutrition discipline, that's for sure.
  2. Go for it. I conveniently forgot who I stole it from. Benefits of being around long enough to do so.
  3. The goal here is to break shit before anyone can step in and say, "Hey wait a minute!" The Courts have proven too slow, Congress is impotent b/c controlled by Nazis/fellow travelers (same same). Elmo and tfg know that if they can break shit fast enough, it will be impossible to bring back. It's a cascading effect. First all the folks from USAID go, then the organizations they send money to go (same with Treasury), and all those people disappear to...somehwere else...like vapor. None of this is Constitutional, but at that point, it won't matter. The damage will be done.
  4. You just can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. I usually don't neg people here, but this was good thread filled with knowledgeable people sharing that knowledge on many fronts - Shriners, aircraft accident investigation, etc. I'm done with the "I do my own research" anti-science, anti-fact crowed. They can fuck right off and get negged to oblivion here and in real life. /rant over. Back to facts please.
  5. Fuuuu…. Yet my stupid magat teacher friends in tiny town Texas just put their heads in the sand.
  6. It’s a clever play. They know all Americans don’t believe this shit. Also, as much as it pains me to say it, creating further division here may help rectify their own situation by driving this crazy train to its inevitable demise.
  7. "Brand safety" “I will money whip you into spending your money on my advertising.” - Elmo probably.
  8. This is so, so terribly fucked up.
  9. When X is the sole mouthpiece for the government? How will anyone ever know?
  10. Rightfully so. We are the baddies now. We are the shit hole country.
  11. It’s about to be off by a zero.
  12. Yup. Aktion T4 anyone? I’m sure Steven Miller is all over it.
  13. Followed by breaking eye contact and silence… Oof.
  14. Theres always next year!
  15. Dear leader can do no wrong. There will always be a scapegoat. Deep state, browns, dei, whatever the flavor of the day is.
  16. Does it come worth Colombian women?
  17. Im sure Elmo is doing this as a public good and expects no personal gain from it whatsoever.
  18. Is this real? I have a feeling I’m going to have to ask this a lot over the next four years.
  19. Or more of the same boobs.
  20. Maybe we should start by sending all the assholes to Mars first and let them sort out how to make it habitable?
  21. Remember last time around when everyone was thinking hoping Jared and Ivanka were going to be the sane ones and keep tfg inside the rails? Turns out it was guys like Milley, who won’t be able to get within 100 yards of the White House now.
  22. Fucking midnight taco was the beeeeeeeesstttt!!!!!! Forever and ever amen.
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