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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Has someone started a thread over yonder in that other forum aggregating all the Aubrey Plaza gifs? For research purposes? Because they’ve become too hard for me to keep up with here.
  2. I love the first generation Precisions. Love them.
  3. This seems like a made for propaganda video for sure. Who is taking the video? One assumes it comes from the Ukrainian side because certainly it wouldn't have come from the Russian side. Yet he talks about Russian commanders berating him after the assault, which presumes he wound up back in Russian hands? Lots of questions here.
  4. Damn. At least the Nazis had Hugo Boss to make them look good. But I guess Hefty bags probably fit this crowd better.
  5. Man, seems like a pretty good job program would be to start manufacturing that shit here?
  6. I can barely wrangle six strings, but 7?
  7. I understand the sentiment, it's just that I would like to find a mechanism that doesn't include me in the whirlwind of finding out that would be necessary to effectuate your desire.
  8. I can't even remember her name. And this was pre me having a cell phone, much less a cell phone with a camera. What I do remember was... ^None of this was true, but for the title.
  9. Taking that Chet Atkins style to the next level.
  10. We had one just like this. On top of it, she was gorgeous. Blonde. Huge tracks of land that she couldn't wait to accentuate with Angora sweaters as soon as the temps dropped to a balmy 75. Trying to make conversation with her at parties was excruciating. I now realize she must've been on the spectrum. You literally could not have a conversation with her that wasn't about the last quiz, what the answer to a given problem was, quoting scripture and verse. Listen tits McGhee, we just spent all day studying. Now I just want a beer and to gaze into the middle distance.
  11. Yeah, but it really only covers one subject.
  12. *and/or grown ass men whose emotional growth stopped at adolescence... Who carries on the way to vote? It's agin the law, doncha know?
  13. I knew some seriously booksmart people in law school who could not argue their way out of a paper bag. I knew others who didn't know the law, but it didn't matter, because they could convince anyone of anything - legal or not. Then there were the rest of us in between. So yes, I could totally see any law school producing someone who made straight "A"s who didn't have the judgment god gave an amoeba simply because they had an ability to study and/or test well. I'm not saying its right, but I'm saying that's my experience.
  14. 92 and 2000. Nice meeting you you peeple!
  15. All the girls were wearing Ugg boots that year. They were like giant sponges. There were pairs of them everywhere as they got too soggy and fucked up to wear. They were left behind as battle detritus. A symbol of woman's failed battle against nature. But they were also selling wine in bike bottles that year. Many a fashionista's weekend was saved by those bottles. Several purchased out of my own very pocketbook.
  16. I'm in Dallas. You had a whiff of the Trinity lately?
  17. I'm laughing at the shit geyser. Too bad we can't laugh/rage comment the same post.
  18. Those are both amazing cars.
  19. Lol that little attempt to preserve dignity at the end when he pulls the t-shirt down to cover his fupa...unsuccesfully.
  20. While I want to believe this is altruistic, I actually believe there is a group of Republicans who can see the writing on the wall and that this is more just drowning rats leaving the vessel. But either way, it's a vote for Harris, so I'm good. It's the political equivalent of "Don't care, had sex."
  21. I saw this. I wonder who owns those third party background checking companies? Friends of tfg? The hell you say!
  22. It's the same reaction we've all seen from kids who are maybe pushing the boundaries on good taste and group norms when their bros call them out on it. An adult comes along to find out what's really going on and they immediately go into defense mode before any questions are even asked. People with a conscience know when they've done wrong. It's the Oatmeal cartoon.
  23. Spoiler lol. She’s almost there but of course it’s the bad people around tfg who are the problem. It reminds me of a letter to Hitler I read once from a German worker who was building the autobahn. The gist was “I know if you knew what they were doing to us here, you’d stop it.” I’m sure they could hear the Bavarian corporal’s laughter echoing through the Alps for days after that one. I’m sure the same is taking place at Mar A Lago.
  24. That is a perfect example of the lizard brain dominating reason. He was so angry that he couldn’t get a coherent sentence out. Fear and anger are so incredibly powerful and tfg has done a masterful job of manipulating those emotions to completely obliterate logic in the minds of his minions.
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