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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. This was my first reaction as well. "Biden already handled that you fucking dolt."
  2. That's one of his big tells when he just learned something. Fo sho.
  3. That'll be a good angle to take with him. They should also tell him he's more powerful than Putin now, so he doesn't need to act like such a weasely little bitch around him. Not in those words, of course.
  4. "he's not hurting the people he needs to be" But what if we supposed, he was? Yet you still get fucked? HAHHAHAHA!
  5. Pleasant surprise, but color me skeptical. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  6. Bend over - insert head into ass - proclaim "Nothing to see here!"
  7. For the music fans: Personally, I think they should've gone with this:
  8. Whoa. That’s gorgeous. Man I need a vintage sunburst acoustic.
  9. Of course he does. Like his boy Putin, he wants all the power. Economic, political, everything. This is clear for the world to see.
  10. I only hope time will tell.
  11. https://logwork.com/countdown-h5o4
  12. I agree, but typewriters fit in the cargo hold of a Southwest 737.
  13. They also have a shit ton of surplus because the Navy stores all the stuff it doesn’t want but can’t immediately get rid of on old ships like this. I went down there sometime around 2006 for work and had a gander. I wound up buying a couple old typewriters that had been packed away in 1953.
  14. Already there brosef.
  15. This is my Pixies experience as well. Really wish Frank would take this tour through Texas. I’d pretty much drive wherever to see him.
  16. We know dude. And the clock until this shit show ends doesn’t even start running until tomorrow.
  17. Y’all gather round. Goredho has reached peak self awareness. You should all bear witness.
  18. Because the outie Helly would have had a chance to be briefed on all of that in the interim. My problem with the spy Helly scenario is how do they make her outie Helly in the innie space? We know you can flip a switch to an outie such that they’re engaged as an innie seemingly no matter where they are outside Lumon. But is the reverse also true? Can Lumon just flip a switch and disengage it an any time, thus making an innie an outtie? Or at least while at Lumon?
  19. What is “FRFR”?
  20. There were a lot of words there. Thanks for the pics.
  21. Yet still no pics…
  22. Username checks out. Quite the party taco formed there by the back seat.
  23. It’s unclear if she has had the procedure or not.
  24. Same re the kid. I think she’s supposed to make you uneasy.
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