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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. I'm not saying you're wrong, or that von Manstein was wrong. But certainly he was motivated to protect his general officer peers in his testimony.
  2. Our theme is “The Power of One” which is essentially the idea that one person can make a big difference in their little corner of the world. The WB Scoutmaster opened with the story of the kid throwing starfish that had washed up onto the shore back in to the ocean if that gives some context. I don’t think they’re making an ask as specific to a particular theme as yours sounds like.
  3. Alright my Scouters. Who here as done Wood Badge, and if you did, what did you find to be rewarding/meaningful/easy tickets? I started mine this past weekend and have a second weekend in about two weeks. I'd like to work with my advisor to get all my tickets approved before showing up on the second weekend.
  4. Yeah, but you gotta live next to Idaho. And those folks in Eastern Washington aren't much different. But our neighbor is Oklahoma and we all know they suck so I guess its a wash.
  5. Noted in the other thread, but yesterday around 11:00am or so, voted at the Dallas County Courthouse downtown. It was probably 15-20 minutes tops from the time I walked in until the time I walked out. It was a short line and it was moving pretty quickly. Felt good. Also, vote "NO" on propositions E, G, L, S, T, U. We don't need some North Texas Musk style billionaire trying to undermine our city and county governments.
  6. My very first job I said “thank you” and “please” They made me scrub a parking lot down on my knees Then I got fired, for being scared of bees They only gave me fifty cents an hour
  7. My brother lives in Mukilteo. He sends his home state brosef this kind of text every election cycle just to remind me what I’m missing.
  8. Voted at the Dallas County Courthouse in downtown Dallas today. There was a line but I don’t think I was in there longer than 15 minutes.
  9. Someone post pics because I’m not going to make it this year.
  10. Fair. I was really looking for a general vibe of the interview. How she came off in a hostile environment.
  11. Sorry Penelope, but I'm ahead of you. Ordered August 15. I got an apology email and a handful of nuthin' so far.
  12. For anyone who got to see it (stuck at work), does anyone think she may've lost voters out of showing up on FOX?
  13. Yes re Flight of the Intruder. "Sandy" was the callsign of the mission flown by A-1s. Combat Search and Rescue: https://theaviationgeekclub.com/first-csar-missions-story-1-skyraider-became-known-sandy/
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