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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. This is essentially the story of my Jr. High/High School experience...until I was able to leave. It's still there when I go back, just a little tempered because times have changed. But the underlying beliefs haven't.
  2. Or maybe, if you were, it could be posited in this case..
  3. Agreed. I find this most troublesome from people who believe the myth that "it has always been this way [no, it hasn't], therefore it WILL always be this way [which it can, but only if we choose the right path]." You show them the parallels between Weimer Germany, with a rising Nazi party and they scoff. I ask if they would like a one party, religious based government and point to Iran. They scoff. "That would never happen here." Bullshit it would never happen here. It's happening.
  4. Cross posting because it belongs here as well. Good news out of Georgia this morning: https://www.npr.org/2024/10/15/nx-s1-5144185/georgia-election-certification-rules
  5. There is some good news out of GA this morning, probably already posted: https://www.npr.org/2024/10/15/nx-s1-5144185/georgia-election-certification-rules
  6. I have to admit, I had not considered the Norks desire to become Ukrainians.
  7. A-1>A-37>A-10>...supposedly F-35. But really the A-29 is the more apt comparison.
  8. I think that's a nice dream. But I think what's really going on here is she's taking Bill Clinton's sage advice: You have to meet people where they are. This is both literally - they're listening to Fox and Rogan - but also figurative in that she needs to reach a certain subset of independents/right voters who just aren't going to hear her message otherwise. Or if they do, it will be through a corrupt filter. Better for her to take her message directly to those people. If she can peel away even a small number, that may be significant. She doesn't need to preach to us. We're already converted.
  9. And we'd have isolated and bought off anyone connected with nukes. The solution to the nuke problem isn't more nukes, its money and the gift of continued life.
  10. Indeed he may. And my Muslim friends are shaken as the rest of us with these folks who think somehow this is helpful to their cause. It's truly mind bottling.
  11. These folks are as bad as the one issue abortion folks on the right. They're chopping their nose off to spite their face. It's like no one reminded them of the COMPLETE MUSLIM BAN!!!! Warble garble!!!!
  12. Also Taiwan. Lots of saber rattling from the Chicoms with their anaconda around Taiwan exercises.
  13. I got to see the back half of The Beaches set last weekend and really enjoyed it. Kind of an edgier Go-Gos punk/pop vibe that hit right.
  14. Oh yes. I was there. I had friends holding down the fort while I went over there and checked that out.
  15. Only because she knows the grift can't keep going otherwise. She got elected on her looks, and clearly loves preening for the cameras. She's just afraid she'll miss her next close up.
  16. Hey look, I'm not trying to offend. I'm sincerely trying to understand. All those things are good things, and I can see how one might check out on politics. But I also see how one can do all the things you describe and also keep up with politics. That is all.
  17. I know what Dixiecrats are my dude. But it's like those guys switched hoods with the Reagan fans around 1980. 1980-2024 is a long time to not have seen the Pat Buchanans and David Dukes infesting that GOP.
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