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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. How much work do you intend to do for yourself vs a shop? That’s a big component of your question. But based upon the description, my guess is the answer is “very little myself.” The short answer is “how much do you have”? Then multiply by three. And at the end of the day, for every $2 you put in, expect get about $1 back. On a good day. These cars are labors of love, not investments. All that said, I think you should go for it.
  2. It’s what we’re here for.
  3. I mean, I guess "dead" is a way of not having cancer.
  4. Thank you Jesus. Thank you lawd.
  5. Of course you did. We all did. But there's always that one dude who ruins it for everyone. "You know what this yellow bus needs as we all pull out for bumblefuck Texas at 4am? Lets jam some Stryper up in this beeyotch!" Meanwhile, we were drinking vodka from shampoo bottles in the back. You ain't never had vodka, less you've had Prell infused vodka.
  6. He is. And for tfg, the lawyers are just minions to go do his bidding, as are all others, regardless of the law. Over and over he's picked battles he was bound to lose just to have the fight. I suspect Biden (or really, his appointed cadre) are better clients who actually hear the "counsel" part of counselor.
  7. This should go here, even though I posted it in the Guilty x34 thread. A Rebuke to Trump Provides a Telling Portrait of a Divided Supreme Court https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/09/us/supreme-court-trump-hush-money.html tl;dr - SCOTUS sided with the village idiot 42% of the time, Biden 54% of the time.
  8. All true. There's a good article in the NYT today about how infrequently SCOTUS sides with the orange stain. Sided with Biden 54% of the time, 42% for that fucking guy. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/09/us/supreme-court-trump-hush-money.html
  9. This is how I see pretty much all libertarians.
  10. Always have been. Same with the guy who played Stryper on his boom box at full blast on our way to track meets in East Texas in the late 80s. He was going to simultaneously show us how cool he was and convert us for Christ! It didn’t quite work out that way. But he’s just as loud about it today as he was then.
  11. This is really it. The music industries pumps out mountains of garbage. Then it gets whittled down in our memories to the good stuff.
  12. Video sounds great, and I now recall the story of the guitar into the ceiling fan. Totally agree on the Norlin era guitars. It's not like they instantly went to shit. Gibson has pretty much always made great guitars, but there was just an era where they were especially good. I personally think we're in another such era as the tech for manufacturing has improved so much, along with the data on what guitarists are really looking for. Why would you make yourself wait so long?
  13. I'm on several vintage Mustang forums and saw a photo of the tail end of a clearly well cared for 67/68 going up in flames. Metal can be replaced, but a loss none the less.
  14. People have had worse ideas. And Gibson put out some nice 335/345 reissues in the early 2000s as well. So they don't have to be vintage.
  15. This is very, very nice.
  16. Have we seen it? You should post it again.
  17. As I was doing my research (not on the Varitone, obs), many 345s have had that Varitone just cut out of the loop and essentially have 335/standard 2 tone, 2 volume, 1 pick up selector wiring.
  18. My guess is Position 1 will be seeing lots of action.
  19. That sounds awesome and could peel paint. I love those amps' sounds, but the weight...not so much. Plus with PA systems being what they are now - and I know this is sacrilege - there really isn't a use for them in the smaller/midsized venues I play. What hollow body were you playing through it? Right now I have a Twin for really big gigs, but frankly those hardly ever come along. I really like my Princeton and Vibrolux together. Princeton mic'd is enough for most venues. The Princeton/Vibrolux lets me run an effects/distorted channel and a clean channel, which works for me. Plus it's really easy to load in/out. Two trips to car and back: 1. two amps, one in each hand; 2. guitar(s)/pedal board/cords in backpack. Sounds glorious with my 54ri LP w P-90s. I'll have to try it with my 345 for the hum bucker sound.
  20. I don’t really know. Yet. Maybe. I mean I have enough amps to do stereo now. But maybe I haven’t found the proper combo that truly makes this particular guitar’s stereo capabilities sparkle?
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