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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Good. The more he controls the less efficient - and closer to collapse - it all gets.
  2. Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest
  3. Naming my next band "Sex Demons." I called it, its mine.
  4. Has this been posted yet? For your evening reading pleasure, special counsel's redacted immunity brief: https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/DAor_JKSYkV/?xmt=AQGz8TZhAp-JhJmwGXFACA565OFQ4wkyR-8qOWzz337ogw https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/DAomrJIyHex?xmt=AQGznoG7AkzmeBSt6lYRRUM3A3ZevmXH6iw5CHHwUnBkUA
  5. Hiit is what I do, so... Which, as an aside, I did yesterday and then went to pound my feet against the hard hard concrete of the State Fair last evening. So my dogs are hella barkin'!
  6. Beaten how, exactly? - dusts off acting resume…
  7. We need a new version of the fairness act, that somehow is updated to include the innerwebz. I leave it to the big brains to sort out how.
  8. I’ve heard good things. Are they ok for working out/running in? Or just standing around in trainers looking dad-like in non matching khakis?
  9. I hope so. I’d bet there’s a list we’ve given them of places they really super shouldn’t hit - wink, wink. Maybe drone factories or the ports supplying to Russia, in addition to the nuke sites.
  10. Or...every accusation is a confession example eleventybillion. For those interested in reading further, I suggest "Worse Than Nothing" by Erwin Chimerensky.
  11. Plus I still haven't received my fuckin' camo hat going on a month and a half now.
  12. This seems like it fits right here. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/02/magazine/texas-politics-billionaire-preachers.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb
  13. There's really only one way to hold people accountable for that, and that's march straight into Moscow. Not a matter to be taken lightly.
  14. I have a friend who's trying to unload a W1 Saturday pass. PM me if you're interested and I'll put you in touch.
  15. Or they have a death wish. I think we have a thread around here on that, mebbe...
  16. It's probably the equivalent of Yamamoto's apocryphal "If we invade America, there will be a gun behind every blade of grass." Like, "If we try to take out the distilleries, there will be a still in every Russian living room" or the like.
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