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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. My friend who buys and sells on Reverb does this all the time to avoid the Reverb bite. Mainly with local stuff though. I’m inclined to agree with Goreho on the out of town stuff.
  2. Fair. I was moving quickly then as my plane was boarding.
  3. I just walked by Marcus King and his extremely flamboyant wife in the Miami airport. We were both moving quickly in opposite directions so I didn’t get a pic. /csb
  4. A couple more Falcon pics. I just love Argentine Falcons. It’s so fun seeing the 80s/90s tech crammed into that 60s design. Back when I lived down there I tried to buy one for a run about but no one would sell me one. I
  5. Such a great movie. An underrated gem. Sony. Because caucasians are just too damned tall.
  6. Random cool old cars of Buenos Aires.
  7. This how you guitar*** thread.
  8. So hot.
  9. This is a great deal.
  10. This is very pretty.
  11. Speaking of this 46 L-5 came up for sale in my neighborhood. Looks legit. Probably a decent price. https://www.facebook.com/share/WQokh9sR2vTKRKun/?mibextid=wwXIfr
  12. Too busy killing women, kids, the elderly, cancer patients…Also fuck Russia.
  13. I did this on mine. Much sturdier.
  14. Sí, I am in Buenos Aires. I looked for matches but none are happening while I’m here. Don Julio’s duly noted.
  15. Btw our new guitar arrived today. But I’m of town so I won’t be able to pick it up for about a week. In the meantime, check out these guitars that belonged to Juan Manuel de Rosas and some other stuff that feels relevant.
  16. They’re made of Masonite dude. Jimmy Page would sweat them apart every couple of shows. I wouldn’t part with mine though.
  17. Oh well see, right there’s your problem.
  18. Same. Also sitting in front of the football game noodlin.
  19. Because airplanes make bad boats? I’m only half joking. Slamming into water at whatever the landing speed of that thing was may as well be slamming into a brick wall. Then once that’s done, chances are you sink. Sure they have the ditching protocol - but let’s be realistic - even if you have a “successful” ditch then there’s a whole series of things that have to go just right for anyone to survive. Look at the shape of that airplane in the vids we’ve all seen where people are getting out and staggering away after it was Swiss cheesed by the Russians. Those people likely drown in a ditching, if they don’t wind up going down with the plane.
  20. Hell to the yeah! Noice! Same same. Prettier sands straps. But less functional. Could be said for a lot of things.
  21. This would work better if you posted pics again.
  22. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRER0ev1BpwV7UTjjZCZzloaQFqtMrRFHFX2A&s
  23. This guess is as good as any. You should ask in the comments. Someone will know.
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