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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Hiit is what I do, so... Which, as an aside, I did yesterday and then went to pound my feet against the hard hard concrete of the State Fair last evening. So my dogs are hella barkin'!
  2. Beaten how, exactly? - dusts off acting resume…
  3. We need a new version of the fairness act, that somehow is updated to include the innerwebz. I leave it to the big brains to sort out how.
  4. I’ve heard good things. Are they ok for working out/running in? Or just standing around in trainers looking dad-like in non matching khakis?
  5. I hope so. I’d bet there’s a list we’ve given them of places they really super shouldn’t hit - wink, wink. Maybe drone factories or the ports supplying to Russia, in addition to the nuke sites.
  6. Or...every accusation is a confession example eleventybillion. For those interested in reading further, I suggest "Worse Than Nothing" by Erwin Chimerensky.
  7. Plus I still haven't received my fuckin' camo hat going on a month and a half now.
  8. This seems like it fits right here. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/02/magazine/texas-politics-billionaire-preachers.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb
  9. There's really only one way to hold people accountable for that, and that's march straight into Moscow. Not a matter to be taken lightly.
  10. I have a friend who's trying to unload a W1 Saturday pass. PM me if you're interested and I'll put you in touch.
  11. Or they have a death wish. I think we have a thread around here on that, mebbe...
  12. It's probably the equivalent of Yamamoto's apocryphal "If we invade America, there will be a gun behind every blade of grass." Like, "If we try to take out the distilleries, there will be a still in every Russian living room" or the like.
  13. Or like he didn't want any extra. I suppose its all how you look at it.
  14. Maybe. It has to be something strategic because what is clear is the Ukes are all for getting the most bang out of their buck.
  15. Isn't this the second such fellow they've given the what for? I seem to recall earlier they got a high ranking officer who was maybe in charge of drone/missile targeting a while back. You have to publicize this as (a) you want people to be ducking for cover/finding something else that makes them "busy and important" whenever the higher ups start saying, "We need you for this job"; and (b) IF they get tasked with the job, to be shitty at it - whether overtly or because they're constantly looking over their shoulder, or both.
  16. Yet put it in the hands of great voices yields something totally different yet equally profound. These harmonies will raise the hair on the back of your neck:
  17. Or maybe sharing one with a few great interpreters at once. This is probably my favorite live take of the Highwaymen. Willie's playing is sublime on this.
  18. So this has really got me thinking of what a great songwriter, with a songwriters voice, can share with a great interpreter to reach a sort of musical nirvana. A case in point:
  19. Mine are still ringing from their appearance at the Texas Union Ballroom in February 1993.
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