You mean when in time? About 2011. When in the process of restoration? After all the metal work was done. Everything underneath got a coating similar too, if not the same as, bed liner. I have to give the car a cleaning today and I’ll take some pics and post later. My case was perhaps unusual. I was about 80% done with my restoration- engine/ transmission was down, all body work done and paint had just been done but no interior work - when we found out we were going to have Chad Jr. Not knowing how much a baby would cost, I put the car away and essentially didn’t touch it for ten years. Then my wife said, “Are you ever going to finish that thing? If you don’t, Chad Jr will grow up never knowing or caring about it.” So I finished it. He loves it and this past week he had to give a presentation on his family including a family artifact. He picked the Mustang as his family artifact. So I parked the Mustang outside the auditorium and when he came to that part of the presentation, all the kids came to the windows and I cranked it up and racked the pipes as loud as they would go. The kids loved it and I was pretty please myself. Another in the chain of good memories associated with my family artifact. Now Jr is happy to help me clean and work on the car. He sees it as a future family investment.