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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Chad Fuck

    Weird Al

    I missed the presale by about five minutes. I'll have to be on my game tomorrow.
  2. You see anyone taking to the whale/life boats, watch the fuck out.
  3. Innerdasting. Our Pack excelled during/after Covid because we were essentially the only game in town actually doing stuff as a group (within Covid guidelines of course - so much as you can expect the under 10 set to follow those). The Troop we've currently moved into however, suffered mightily to the point that there is basically no one over 14 left. That cohort just didn't complete the crossover. We have have a bunch of the pre-Covid guys aging out, but that 14-17 cohort just isn't there which means that we're at a deficit of older Scouts around to teach the younger, as it should be. We've got a couple of the older 14 yr olds who are trying to pick up that slack, but we really miss them. It doesn't help that we lost a few to the local Venturing crew as well.
  4. That is pretty fucking weird. One the one hand, Russkies are shady as fuck. On the other, they truly suck maritime shit. Admiral Kuznetzov and the smattering of sunken nuke subs out front shoulda toldja.
  5. Just found this thread. It is the BEST.
  6. Chad Fuck

    Weird Al

    Thanks for the tip. Chad Jr. and all his buddies are squarely in his demo now and are thoroughly enjoying him. I think I'll surprise them with some tix.
  7. This is the statement of a weak man, a bully, who knows he's losing the fight.
  8. https://au.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/willie-nelson-perform-austin-city-limits-50th-anniversary-concert-67193/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFiUOJleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHfrZOl6fwpx3uMxOJn4xqNH-51VIfz7-RAmWbijptmm3IR6UUyJossghMw_aem_ZXV_cg8Ycqrrv1BYr-z6AA
  9. I started at a math and science school. I promptly realized those around me were all gifted in such a way that all the studying in the world would never close the gap between my struggles and their natural mathematical abilities. I also realized there was like one woman in the room and I was clearly too dumb for her, never mind what my standards at the time may have been.
  10. Unscientific survey - How many lawyers here were also English majors? [raises hand - English/Spanish]
  11. Anyone else notice that the drone attacks have appeared to go way down since Ukraine started melting Russian ammo dumps? Three Shahed shot down, whereas before it was many more.
  12. It's wrong... ....but it wouldn't stop me for a second.
  13. And now, for something completely different:
  14. Because we are vast and contain multitudes. It’s no surprise that we have Uber nerds that build super weapons living next door to morons. The true quandary for me is that I know dudes who could’ve had a part in making these hammers of Thor and yet also have a part of their generally impressive noggins that are also able to hold the conspiracy theories. Baffling.
  15. May I modestly propose that those so concerned about trans issues start a trans thread for discussion. Or perhaps a thread in that other section of the site so that Prong can get what he so clearly needs. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. This thread is for cartoons. Not cartoonish posts. Good day sir. I said GOOD DAY!
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