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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Chad Fuck

    2025 ACL

    I'm in for weekend 1. I'll hate to miss watching TX/ou in the beer tent but I have a family reunion that weekend.
  2. I guffaw, sir. I see bankruptcy judges ignore the will of creditors on the daily. It is in their nature to do so because by nature of the bankruptcy system, walking in the door creditors are unhappy they're going to take a haircut and have to ask for more than they know they'll get. The law is Debtor friendly, not creditor. And in my experience, bankruptcy judges more often lean towards the Debtors, because that's who keeps showing up at the courthouse represented by law firms they want to work for in the future. At least that's true in what I see, in higher profile Chapter 11 cases. I don't think "pragmatic" is mentioned in the Bankruptcy Code. And the whole issue here wasn't that daddy was getting a sweetheart deal, it was that Daddy's backers put more money on the table. THAT is what is at issue. I say again, it's money that matters in this context. Cash money, today. We can agree that it was fun, and felt just that The Onion bought out InfoWars. At a personal level, that's what I'd like to see happen. I want the parents to get what they want. But I also recognize that if there was more money from another source, the Trustee left open the door to questioning the results of the auction. Moreover, it put the Judge in a position of having to make that inquiry not to be overturned on appeal. That's the practical reality of why this case is where it is.
  3. Cash money today is worth more than the promise of money tomorrow. The whole bankruptcy system exists because of promises of money tomorrow that can't be kept. Cash is king, take your promises somewhere other than bankruptcy court. That is the bottom line. While I appreciate your comments in general, I've seen you lecture lawyers on the law with some frequency, and frankly you have a track record of bad legal takes. This is one of them. I hate Alex Jones and what he has done as much as anyone, but the bankruptcy system simply isn't built to seek "justice" as the public at large would interpret that. It's meant to give everyone a bite from a plate that can't make everyone full. This right here. We can quibble what the audition was for, but they're always auditioning. If someone kept track of all the bankruptcy judges who left the bench for cushy jobs in the offices of law firms that practice before them, well, I bet it'd be an interesting gander.
  4. It is not hard to convince a bankruptcy judge that you need to go get more money for the creditors if there’s a reasonable chance it exists. They exist to gather the most money for creditors. They give not a whit for moral justice or where the money comes from, just how much is going into the pot. It isn’t satisfying, but that’s bankruptcy law in a nutshell.
  5. Yes but what happens when the Executive branch decides not to listen to the Legislative or Judicial? There are going to be half a dozen Constitutional crises in the next four years for this very reason.
  6. I could’ve said all that. And it would not have entertained me nearly as much as what I did say. But yes all true.
  7. I don’t think “overconsumption of schooling” is really the problem we have.
  8. Ho’s tfg’s hoe.
  9. Thanks brosef. Is it fake Brit or real Australian? The world wonders.
  10. I love these but don’t have they kind of time. What’s the tl;dr version?
  11. That guitar was made for stickers.
  12. His Conservative Party is going to cover for him, just like they did here with tfg.
  13. If I've learned anything over the past 10 years or so, it is that I have way, way underestimated the potential for humans to do stupid things. Further, the variety and number of said stupid things is far beyond my comprehension. Like Carl Sagan's "billions and billions" of stupid things. I am constantly amazed by the things my poor brain could not conceive, yet here I see there is some human doing it. Usually for innerwebz clicks that cannot be bought, sold or used to feed themselves. What's more, there is evidently a carve out for hotties showing their goods, because, you know, undefeated. They alone can be bought, sold or feed off of innverwebz points. The mind boggles.
  14. This. Why does she fail to mention the part that seemingly makes her inculpable? Unless she doesn't want to be questioned about it...
  15. Yes, I understand the Kurds/Turk conflict so it makes sense the SFA would turn towards the SDF. I just didn't think it would come so quickly. I'm guessing that the Turks surmise that tfg will not give two shits what they do to the Kurds so may as well get started now. Of course, just a couple days ago A-10s were killing anti SDF forces. I guess that'll only last a month or so more. Get some while you can, brrrrrt-guys.
  16. Looks like SFA and Kurds are fighting around Manjib. So looks like the SFA isn't done trying to extend their reach.
  17. Those guards are long gone. That’s why they can’t get these folks out. No one is left who knows how to make the gears work. Literally.
  18. Because people who care only about money and power are easier to strike deals with than religious ideologues. We understand both, and they’re both terrible on human rights, but the former is at least more predictable.
  19. This is exactly what brought isis down. They were good at blitzkrieg jihading. Not so great at governing huge swathes of territory covering disparate religious and ethnic groups. The Taliban is a good model for these guys. They’ve won a lot quickly. Better to consolidate before striking out at their neighbors.
  20. Plus we get to see more of Ms. Casey. Yum.
  21. These have been on my reverb watch list for a while.
  22. Lots of great help here and upthread. Thanks for the ideas for tech. As to the originals, the folks throwing the party are friends of the songwriter and know what he's about. It's a unique situation where they know what they're getting into with respect to original songs.
  23. Only if the rebels let them take it. If I’m the rebels I say, “You can have your people, but leave your equipment where it is. Otherwise you get neither.” Russia isn’t really in a position to bargain right now.
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