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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. And further to this, Turkey is only an ally in so far as they are helping today. If someone walks in tomorrow, after the rebels have gained control, and offers them a better deal, it’ll be “Erdo who?”
  2. The ME sort itself out into ethnic/tribal groups post Sykes Picot was always going to happen. It was inevitable since then. It’s been slowly happening ever since. And so it goes, so it goes. Poo-tee-weet!
  3. Real talk right here.
  4. This seems like it fits right in here.
  5. The last flying Martin Mars is doing flight tests before it winds up flying down the west coast and then inland to its final stop at Pima Air Museum.
  6. Yea!!!....wait....and then?
  7. Except for the SDF/Kurds, it’s really just “they aren’t isis.” Some are just as bad. No one in the ME comes in with clean hands.
  8. OK, so I have an acoustic guitar duo gig coming up in January. Haven't done one of those in a long time. It'll be some originals, but mostly recognizable covers/dance/drinking tunes for a 50th birthday. Think about an upscale backyard campfire. That's the scene. You guys who play out acoustic frequently - what is your current favorite signal chain/effects and why?
  9. 100% this. When the pitchforks come out, rarely does the mob go after the people who are responsible. They go after the people they can get to. Typically something like the folks who live in the nicer neighborhood a couple blocks over. Which is no good for anyone.
  10. *Correction: Inaction figure
  11. Sprinkle with delay.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff And by "apocalypse" they mean "apoplectic mobs of poors"
  13. I was thinking Chile, Argentina and Brazil, which is where I have the most experience with it first hand. But sure, if Mexico works.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoah_(film) And if you want to see the same idea in movie form, check this out. Sobering.
  15. The ultra wealthy driving around in armored cars, taking helicopters from building to building so they can be even more out of touch with the unwashed masses. All the while surrounded by machine-pistol carrying security. We are barreling towards 3rd world status like a rocket on fire.
  16. Totally possible. I too have had similar experiences with soju, but mostly in karaoke lounges. Where I didn't declare bankruptcy, but my love for all humanity and at least one girl in particular. Though she may've looked like twins at the time.
  17. It won't be Biden doing it, but I'll bet you get a chance to see this go down. All you gotta do is wait.
  18. How is this even a thing when we know UHC fucks over millions of Americans each day, day in and day out? Count me on team "someone shooter loved got denied coverage." Frankly, I'm surprised its taken this long.
  19. Says right there at the top "A USAF A-10." We've never sold them to anyone else.
  20. You won’t find me arguing something different.
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