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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. OK, I was under the impression that it was just Ms. Casey in each of those rooms. In essence, Ms. Casey is just getting tortured. Which makes her statement to Mark that her time with him in MDR was the best in her life.
  2. Me neither. I"m trying to figure out where this "7 innies" theory came from.
  3. Were they calling her different names in each room? I missed that. I may have to rewatch.
  4. Ok well if I misinterpreted that then I apologize. But my remaining points stand. The post-WWII world order that tfg appears dead set on dismantling has been great for America, and tfg is not capable and never has been, of doing anything constructive on this or any other front. He is a toxic agent of chaos and destruction. He can produce nothing but the same.
  5. What about the last ten years has made you think that these guys are ever going to “face the music”? What do you think that means in this context? What does it look like?
  6. These are my favorite fb posts. “I just want to put my opinion out there but don’t want anyone to point out failings with the facts behind it. Also, I’m getting hurt when I really just wanted to see other people get hurt.” Hell this could be any number of my high school fb contacts. Suck it dickhead.
  7. This. While emotionally satisfying, not helpful.
  8. First, the order was working pretty fucking well for Americans. So get fucked on that. Second, never in a million fucking years is that fucking guy capable of accomplishing a peace deal. He's an absolute useful idiot for Putin, no more, no less. Look around you. Everything he is doing is hollowing out what has ACTUALLY made America great. He's a piece of shit. You should consider what that makes you for supporting him.
  9. It's all out in the open.
  10. Moreover, he's getting ganged up on and trying to fight back in what - his third or fourth language? He speaks English well, but I can tell you when you're in a room full of people speaking at you in a language that is not your first language, that's tough. He handled it well, but he was at a disadvantage already. Snappy comebacks are hard in that environment, never mind that he is bearing the burden of his entire nation's continued existence in that meeting. Fucking embarrassing as fuck.
  11. I made this argument to my college roommate, who happened to be a Baptist preachers son. His answer? Oh, God makes sure that doesn't happen. Reference my comment above, "My word is The Word." When you are just a vessel for God's word, well then, whoever challenges you must be incorrect.
  12. What a fucking scumbag bitch question to ask of a honorable man who is fighting for his country. That Glenn guy is a piece of shit.
  13. God what a shit show. Every fucking day with this fucking guy.
  14. "Can you believe this shit? Me neither."
  15. None of the folks I'm talking about ever went to anything so refined as a seminary. They're of the tradition of the Bible being whatever they say it is, and Christianity being so "personal" that God talks to them directly and therefore their word is The Word. In other words, they're just some dumbass hicks who have no greater training or studying into theology than your average idiot, despite the fact that there have been big brained folks lifting heavy theological rocks for oh, about 2000 years now.
  16. This was my take away.
  17. I know this is sarcasm, but it's EXACTLY the proof that they are who we called them out to be: Fuck everyone else, but give ME MINE!
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