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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Yes because a President mocking a disabled reporter in public and some anonymous person on a college football message board offending your delicate sensibilities about a Governor are totally the same. Glad to see your false equivalencies are in full effect. Keep being you! You’re gonna win the internet, I can feel it!
  2. What a pathetic little bitch.
  3. How does it usually work? How is it supposed to work?
  4. The BEST people. Except this time around "best" looks like the last ones waiting to be picked for dodgeball at an institute for the mentally challenged.
  5. Immune from official acts, which remain pretty vague. I hear you. I'm not holding out any grand hopes. We'll get through four years, agreed. It's already unsatisfying, because there he is, still living and breathing.
  6. You mean the American people? For whom the judiciary serves? Yes, I suppose so. Mostly they get theirs. Teflon Don is, apparently, a real thing. I feel confident he'll do something once again to bring the scales of justice out once more. He fucked it up once, he'll fuck it up again.
  7. It isn't a clip, it's a magazine. Makes all the difference. Words matter. Except when certain people say them.
  8. It can be, but it could just as easily go terribly sideways.
  9. We live in a post factual world. Being factually correct does not win. The winning play is make something up (boys playing as girls! too many "others" crossing the border!) Then beat the shit out of it, true or not. The Big Lie won. The electorate was too stupid, or indifferent, to tell the difference. That's the game now.
  10. RS, it's like you've never even heard of @Brisketexan
  11. Some questions, we just shouldn't ask. Leave it to the imagination.
  12. This was our concern, dude.
  13. When they're forcibly trying to overthrow an election? Sure, on that we agree. As an aside, you're really doing a good job of showing the rest of us that what we thought about you all the time was correct. This is your time to shine! Go ahead and get all the bile you hold inside out there! You're doing a great job. I'm sure there will be plenty of folks who will be happy to point out the many and varied failures of the idiot man child to whom you're clearly so emotionally tied as the next few years roll by. I'm certain he will give them many, many opportunities to do so as he did the last go around. Revel in his imbecility! Embrace his ineptitude! And I'm also fairly certain that you will once again disappear every time these obvious faults and failures are made apparent to you, your impotent defenses withering like so many day old mushrooms. Good day to you, sir.
  14. Yup. Believing that people care about facts is apparently passé.
  15. Like that guy who shot Ashli Babbitt? And another day off? In.
  16. I have every confidence it will become relevant again. If there is anything that fucking guy can do, it’s trip over his own dick.
  17. Second verse, same as the first, but a whole lot louder and a whole lot worse. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida
  18. I've noticed this for a long time. Certainly whether they check "hispanic" on a form somewhere, those whose families have been here a while have essentially assimilated into the larger population and reflect that same variety of ideas. It's what those of us who live with hispanic/latin communities have been saying forever. It isn't a monolithic culture with monolithic thoughts.
  19. This. It really is on Europe to deal with their Russia problem. The US could, but won't, do it for them.
  20. Whoa. Love this.
  21. Yeah, but it sucks to hit during my little window on this planet. I park across the street from the Holocaust museum and I think about it every morning when I go to work. We can't seem to shake the hypnotizing effects of "strong" men. I guess its mother natures way of thinning out the herd. Except that my family and I are in the "out" group that gets culled before the real culling begins. Pretty, pretty bleak.
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