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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Gorgeous. I’m still seeking my perfect Gretsch.
  2. I was driving to a gig when I got the announcement. No time for BS. Set up 30 mins, then played 4 hours and loaded up and home at midnight. I’ll freely admit I’m a CR participant, but I’m glad I was otherwise occupied. Meanwhile, the patrons of Vernon’s Lakeside were happy to dance and drink so everyone got what they wanted.
  3. Jesus people. Get it together. Alright Alright Alright ?
  4. Oddly specific. Did a Korean stripper do you wrong?
  5. Tfg doesn’t care for the disabled being around. He’d gas them if he could.
  6. Damn. Cause this is my jam.
  7. 8+ minutes of THAT is...a lot. Yeah, I know I said it.
  8. Exactly. Why are WE the ones worried about escalating? We are the ones who could drop the hammer, and Putin has already shown himself to be a limp dick when it comes to his "red lines." Fuck him up already. Let's end this shit.
  9. 1000x yes to every part of this.
  10. Yes. My dad has one. It’s not a bad guitar for the price point.
  11. I'm not sure. I'll look up the serial when I get home from work. It is a beautiful, well constructed, well playing guitar. If I had any knits, it's that the neck is a hair wide for me. But that strikes me as the kind of thing I'd get used to if it was my main guitar.
  12. The smugness of her ignorance on full display. Lovely.
  13. Same dude who left the ES-345 left this LP Traditional: I couldn’t miss a chance to include it in a family pic:
  14. Is anyone surprised Dan “I don’t need a law degree to judge this impeachment” Goeb doesn’t know how government works?
  15. This. We've been hearing the question "Is Russia at the point of collapse?" for a couple of years now. The answer is still, unfortunately, "no."
  16. Dude they can barely keep it afloat. It’s an aircraft carrier on paper only.
  17. On top of that she and Michel Gondry created some crazy visually compelling videos. She also puts on a hell of a show. Her set at ACLFest is one I always think of as the kind of thing that makes that festival great.
  18. Russia is going to do jack and shit about its veterans and everyone knows it. There will have to be regime change, opening of oil trade and new progressive leadership for any of the medical treatments that article says are “required” to happen. Europe would have to buy in to help for sure. If there was regime change I could see that happening but only secondarily to assistance to Ukraine. Fat. Fucking. Chance. There’s going to be something that looks more like Weimar era Germany in its place eventually. A broken country full of broken people.
  19. To some degree it’s like the Surly propensity for only banging 10s, when we all know that pounding it out on 5-9s is real life. There but for the grace of Leo and Les go I.
  20. 100% real talk. Lots of iconic tunes were laid down with Norlin era guitars. Just because they may not be quite as good as the golden era guitars, that by no means is an achievement indicator of low quality. Same with 65-early 70s Fenders. Are they as good as Pre-65? Absolutely not. Are they bad guitars? Heellll no.
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