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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Sweet merciful Jeebus save us.
  2. Turkey has been playing too cute by half for a while now. They’ve stfu now they’ve seen how badly Russias military hardware has performed. They know they’re better in team nato than without and they’ll just have to deal with the consequences of their own actions. They need to sit down and take their lumps.
  3. Who gives a shit? It's not about what they're bringing to the table. It's about them sitting at our table and not his.
  4. Armenia, eh? That's epic NATO trolling. Guess Putin will have to reconsider his self-ownage reality of being surrounded by NATO. Finland and Sweden send hugs and kisses too.
  5. Knebworth. You know they took a lot of flack for that show but I’ve seen it on YouTube and it seemed pretty good to me. Of course I had a poster from the show on my wall for years that I got at Six Flags. Arlington hip holla!
  6. With the caveat that I have not been following this case too closely, it has the feel of the TX side being driven by trial lawyers and the CT side being driven by BK lawyers. That is to say, the bankruptcy legal culture is to always be looking for a deal, while the plaintiffs law culture is always looking for an individual to get a trial on the merits. There are pros/cons to both sides. If I'm the TX Plaintiffs attorney, I want my judgment enforced. The best way to do that is for a dismissal of the bankruptcy and then act to seize assets. If I'm the CT bankruptcy attorney, I know everyone is getting a haircut, and since I have no enforceable judgment, it makes sense for my clients to all take something - anything - distributed through a Trustee. Because that's all they're ever likely to see. Of course, once the bankruptcy is dismissed there's nothing to stop them from going directly after the various liable parties either. As to the extent of the Trustee's powers once a case is dismissed, I suspect he's trying to preserve assets of the estate on the expectation that the CT claimants (or some other interested party) will appeal the dismissal. In turn, I think the TX plaintiffs attorneys may be getting bad bankruptcy advice to try and seize the FSS accounts so quickly. "Dismissed", while seeming to convey finality, is not really the end of things. You need the Super Really Truly Mega Dismissed as conferred by the District Court, or even Circuit or Supreme Court after appeals play out. I think you're correct that we now have CT v TX claimants at odds, and that's a shame, but not unexpected under the circumstances. But maybe they make some deal as to how to go after Alex and his grifting crew? The upside for the bystanders is that they can make Alex's life a long living hell. And maybe that's an upside for some of the plaintiffs. I have to believe, however, that the revenge party within the plaintiffs' constituency as a whole is probably not as large as the "lets fuck him as hard as we can and get on with our lives" constituency. That'd be my guess having represented creditors/creditors committees for, well, a long time now.
  7. Yup. No matter how many times you call people "orcs" to justify killing them, deep down you know you're still killing people. It doesn't negate the necessity, but it doesn't negate the psychological effects either.
  8. An aside on this - they only did this a few times with the B-47. They proved it could be done, but then they realize the maneuver was putting too much stress on the airframes and significantly decreasing their service lives. So no practice toss bombing anymore.
  9. Huge win for plaintiffs/creditors. Though it feels weird disagreeing with Sotomayor and Kagan and agreeing with Gorsuch.
  10. Why is the Russian honey pot sent to infiltrate the French right so much better looking than the Russian honey put sent to infiltrate the American right? I submit it’s because of lower standards. Get some self esteem American fascists.
  11. Because they aren’t very smart people. Also, they’re venal. If they had gotten paid, they’d have been perfectly happy to kill many more.
  12. Great thread. So I was doing a little innerwebz research on "Volver, Volver" which has always struck me as a timeless classic. One of those songs that's just always been around. Turns out I was dead wrong. It was written in 1972. Hit in 1973. So it's a relatively recent song. I hope you found that as interesting as I did.
  13. I liked when they tried to blame 2 Live Crew and the rap music. But same same.
  14. Yeah. That guy looked rough. He's what hard living sounds like, too.
  15. Erdogan has been awfully quiet on this topic lately.
  16. I think that's our fondest hope. Sidenote, seeing all this shit blowing up on the Russian side of the border just warms the cockles of my heart. As I've said before, 2 years too late, but damn it feels good. I can't wait until major rail junctions are getting destroyed, fixed, destroyed again. And I haven't forgotten that the Ukrainians have said the Kerch bridge is going away this year. Seems like a lot of groundwork is being laid for that.
  17. I have a pair of extra tickets to see Cat Power/Modest Mouse/Pixies on Thursday in Irving. Holla at ya boy and I’ll give you the Surly price if you’re interested. Section 302, towards the front of the section.
  18. Nerp. Be a whole lot cooler if it was. Still pretty cool though.
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