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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. I had to look it up myself. It's western Crimea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluton_(complex)
  2. Read my mind. I’d bet we see China say, “you can send one NK corps, but that’s it.” More than that and you’d cause China to lose face, as if they couldn’t control their vassal. Even more, Lil Kim can’t spare too much of his power base.
  3. Fucking finally. Two years late but so be it.
  4. I was pleased for about two seconds until I realized how this thing is escalating - in a way I hope does not reach some of the possible conclusions. No one wants it to go there. Most of all the Little Kim and Putin. It would mean the end of both of them personally.
  5. Dude that sounds bad ass!
  6. Me too. But that horse is out of the barn already I'm afraid.
  7. Looking forward to seeing more vids of Nork munitions self-destructing and taking out more rooskies. Laws of unintended consequences and all that.
  8. You’re my guitar flipping hero man. I buy them and even when I want to get rid of them they somehow hang around!
  9. I don’t see any problems.
  10. Well I’ve played for nickels on a street corner too. So the only thing separating me from the Rev Billy G is some good luck, right? Right?* *in addition to skill, business sense, maybe some grit, professional drive, and the all important je ne c’est sais quoi. But those are clearly minor distinctions.
  11. Gather round and listen up people. This is how you do it.
  12. Speaking as a guy with three 2 humbucker guitars hanging on the wall across from him right now, let’s all give each other some grace and reserve judgment on the “similar guitars” thing.
  13. This was mandatory every damn night when I was in the clubs in Argentina. Maybe multiple times.
  14. Portfolio: graft. It's always good to see nepotism in your enemy. Good to know that merit has nothing to do with their command structure. Gives me the warm fuzzies for long term outlook.
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatsinskaya_Airfield
  16. I assume they’re for shooting down drones behind the lines and therefore are mounted to whatever the cheapest most plentiful but not most modern hull is available. That says Leopard 1 to me.
  17. I have mixed feelings about this. Wish it was more “ending of Reservoir Dogs.”
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