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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Yes, they do.  Ok, now I'm leaning used Les Paul and monoprice amp.

    You know, there have been a whole series of Slash signature model guitars at different price points. You may wanna check Reverb for used ones.
  2. 16 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    And I'm saying they shouldn't have made that mistake with the proper research. Correcting it was the right thing to do, but I'm not going to applaud them for it.  Be better. 



    How were they supposed to know where that kid was?  

    It's a cover.  Not a factual statement.  

  3. I'm with mojo on this one.  OK, so this girl didn't wind up in a kiddie kz camp.  

    What about the 2300 who did?  The ones the press can't see because they have the camps on lockdown?  I think she's a pretty good rep for them in absentia.

    GTFO with this petty bullshit.  Go jerk tiny maga dick to Melanie's coat.

    • Like 2
  4. She's in way over her head. Ivanka is better suited for this. 

    The real answer here is Tiffany. But she’s smart enough to stay the hell away from the whole shitshow. If she had been born to someone without money we’d be making it rain on her ass at the Yellow Rose instead of getting updates of her in law school.
    • Like 1
  5. John Prine

    Willie Nelson Outlaw Festival


    I saw Phoenix is passing through.  I'll probably try to catch that.

    Then round it all out standing in Zilker drinking beer and having a wander.


  6. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Lol at there was no hidden message.

    But the MSM needs to stay focused on these kid centers.  Keep pushing 

    100% this.  There should be no let up until we hear the story of the last kid being reunited with his or her parents.

  7. 1 minute ago, Austin Orange said:

    So, an American husband and wife break into business and are arrested, but have a family at home.  Is this the thread I complain about separating them from their kids while they serve time in jail?

    Or is there another one for that?

    Go to the thread for the aggy idiots who don't understand the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony.  And also, human dignity.  

    This has been explained a thousand times here.

    • Like 1
  8. Aggy is talking to another aggy at the table next to myself and little homesick during the Tech/Florida baseball game.

    Little Homesick: Dad, who are we cheering for?
    Me: The sand aggies buddy.
    Little Homesick: But I thought we never cheer for aggy.
    Me: It’s just a joke bud. They’re not actually aggy.
    Aggy 1 at the adjacent table: No. They’re nothing even close to us. Aggies are winners.
    Aggy 2 (Referencing little homesick’s Longhorn cap): Your dad shouldn’t let you where that, they lost to Arkansas.
    Little Homesick to aggy 2: When do the aggies play?
    (7 or 8 people within earshot start laughing, with one Tech fan making an SEC quip)
    Aggy 2: Just wait, Arky’s got this.
    (More laughter)
    Little Homesick: Dad, you played in the SEC right?
    Me: Yeah bud.
    Little Homesick (for the walk off): But you were OG SEC huh?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Wins the thread man.
    • Like 1
  9. When neighborhood garage sale stuff pops up in my feed and some soccer mom has furniture listed as “solid wood.”

    First, you wouldn’t what wood is if your husband showed you.

    Second, bitch, that’s particle board from IKEA. Quit your puffery.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, JohnRedHorn said:

    True, but democracy in America is already dead. I'd rather start down that path than the path we're on where Trump leads genocide against non whites in the name of "national security". 

    It may be, but I'm still holding out some hope.  I'm not naive, just optimistic by nature.

  11. 3 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    I know a girl who says she's Cherokee.

    Think I'll drive to her house and take all her shit.

    Hell, it's what everybody did in the Jackson administration.


    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah...if we have to go "praetorian guard" to "save the Republic," it doesn't matter -- we've already lost it.

    100% this.  Assassinations have never helped the cause of democracy.  They pretty much always make things worse.

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