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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. 1 hour ago, Patricio Swayze said:


    One guy in my office offered this nugget of genius: stop breaking the law and they won’t be separated.

    Not surprised as this is a guy that referred to Obama as a monkey and has no problem dropping a nigger or nigress without a care.


    "Nigress"?  Jefferson Davis is still alive?


  2. 1 minute ago, longhornmatt said:

    1. Based on the axiom that everything he says is a transparent lie, I guess some of the people really did boo him for smack talking about Sanford.

    2. Mueller needs to hurry up.  This is embarrassing for our country.  Maybe he’s just waiting to see if the Dems win Congress so there’s a chance something would actually be done.

    I think it's really hard for Mueller to "finish" when every thread you pull leads to ongoing crimes.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Has anyone else noticed the recent trend of female Trump supporters acting offended to get out of a tough question?  

    Q:  How do you feel about the Trump admin policy to separate young children from their mothers, which has been described as child abuse by pediatricians?

    A:  How dare you ask me that offensive question.  How dare you.  

    All over my fb feed.

  4. Trump didn't "take any questions" during the meeting. There is no way I could have kept my mouth shut if I were an R in that room with the orange sociopath.

    Since when does the great dictator take questions from lackeys?
  5. 8 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    Trump should pass an executive order that makes all of his misspellings the official correct spelling.  Call it the Knew Whirled Order bill.

    From now on, the official language of San Marcos, will be Swedish!


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  6. Just now, F250 said:

    My mom was heavily involved in the local Republican party when I was a kid. I remember she tried to get a bunch of old church ladies to register Republican without any success in the mid 80's. All of their reasons for remaining Democrat seemed to be based on post Reconstruction politics. It was weird because they were old but not Confederate widow old.


    Confederate widows probably raised them.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Texas73 said:

    You have that right. I've been in Austin since the early 70's but I am from east Texas, Van Zandt County. They would vote for a Republican child molester over a Democrat. When I ask my relatives and friends from there why they will never vote for a Democrat they say because of Food Stamps and Abortion. 

    Tri-County holla!

  8. 1 minute ago, Newdoc said:

    This best thing to make Alex Jones go away is to ignore him. He reactionary for the right and the left and half his schtick is to troll those on the opposite end of his "view points".  People like Alex Jones eventually flame out or self destruct in an exploding fireball.  I wouldn't get too worked up unless he directly influences some type of mass discrimination or calls for violence.

    He's the opposite of civil discourse and a lot of his opposition chooses to wallow in the mud with him.

    I want to see Alex Jones, Rush and those of the same feather go down in a big, expensive ball of fire as an example to those who would trade in lies.

  9. 7 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    So the right wing is now just full on racist. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

    Bold move, Cotton.

    Guys with Nazi flags and torches out front shoulda toldja.  


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  10. Just now, Mojo Hand said:

    He just wants something lasting that he can take credit for.   Shit that would have been done by NASA or the Air Force anyway, he'll be able to say "that's cause of me and my space force!" 

    ^This right here.  That's why there are so many jokes/memes popping up all over the place about it.  Because it's an obviously transparent self-aggrandizing attempt.

    Space Force!  Where can I pick up my own cadet?


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