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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. 8 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:


    Holy shit.  That's unbelievable. 

    Add it to the list, which is pretty long, and includes words like:  Hear by, Honered, rediculous, payed

    I'll bet most folks on this thread (not the Russians) were more literate in the 6th grade.

    The best words.  




    Never forget.

  2. Just now, TornACL said:

    Trump would never use the word tenuous. He'd say "very weak" because he has no vocabulary. 

    He has a vocabulary.  It's only about 100 words deep, but he has one.

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    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Pancho Negro said:

    How much longer before Trump and Republicans/conservatives start shipping black people back to Africa and cite bible passages as justification?

    How soon can they get the boats ready?  All aboard the one-way trip to Monrovia!

    It's striking the number of people here who justify ripping kids from their parents.  As if there is no other solution to our immigration issues.  Guess what?  Mexico isn't all of a sudden moving to Asia anytime soon.  Neither are we.  So we better find a workable solution that doesn't have the U.S.  looking like we're working on a final solution.

  4. I usually wake up early and take the dogs for a walk around the neighborhood.  This often gives me occasion to see wildlife one doesn't see during working hours.  A baby woodpecker jumping out of the nest, the occasional coyote, etc.  This weekend, the wife, Chad Jr. and I, were walking down to the local swimming hole (YMCA) and I was marveling that just that morning, I'd seen a female mallard sitting in the grass between the street and the sidewalk.  We walked less than a foot away from it and the dogs hadn't even noticed.  

    At this point, it got weird.  The wife says, "But we aren't really close to the water,  how did it get there?"  I responded with a quizzical look, and said, "Run that by me again, I'm not sure I understood.  We live within spitting distance of the lake?"  She responds, "But still, how did it get all the way over here (not far at all} on its' tiny little legs?"  

    I began to chuckle, and said, "You just made the thread."  - "What thread?"

    Chad Jr. started laughing, "She thinks ducks can't fly!"


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  5. Just now, hayden_horn said:

    it's closer to this than we might think, i'm somewhat fearful to think.

    trump has found his "other" and that is the immigrant. it started with the muslim ban, and is exemplified by this policy of ripping families apart to make it clear who is in charge of shit here in the united states of trump. this is how it always starts.

    He found the perfect foil.  Brown, powerless, and desperate or oblivious enough to run straight into the mouth of the monster. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    I thought we were better than this.  We are a bad country and more people should feel shame over this.  

    2018 isnt just a vote for democrat or republican but its a referendum on good versus evil.


    Fuck these cunts.  

    News flash:  We aren't better than this.  There is a not insubstantial portion of our country that believes this is the way it SHOULD be.

    We have to outwork them.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

    Jeff Sessions is an evil piece of shit.  That he hates Trump, probably for personal reasons because Trump is an asshole to him, doesn't make Sessions less evil.

    1 bajillion times this.

    1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    At least he’s not a complete traitor is the way I see it.  Evil? Yes.  Full blown turncoat? Not so much.

    But, surprisingly, also this.  

    Even though his vision of America is white power, no weed-having, stealing suckling babies from brown mommas in some dystopian alternate universe of 1950s America, he still puts America over Russia.  

    The same could never be said for Dotus.

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