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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. 8 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    The rocket tests were the real danger.  Not because they intended to hit anyone with them, but because their rockets are pretty shitty and could have accidentally hit Japan which would have required a Japanese response.  Luckily that didn't happen.

    Agreed, the rocket tests were a danger.  And if that doesn't happen anymore, that's great.  My suspicion is that at some point, when they decide they want something from Trump, they'll fire some again.  

    But there can be no doubt that Trump escalated the situation, then "solved' it by giving up a lot and getting not much.

  2. 8 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    this is what i don't understand.  we just lost a shit ton of face on the asian continent, giving kim a ton of legitimacy for vague promises. traditionally, in negotiations in asia, vague promises are what we in america call "stringing you along."

    We basically set ourselves up to do a photo op to show the Emperor's new clothes.  Everyone has now taken the measure of Trump and found the tiny hands rumor is true.  Trump grins ear to ear, naked before the world, exclaiming "World Peace!"  


  3. Just now, babysdaddy said:

    It's at least 'slightly' better than calling each other Dotard and Little Rocket Man via twitter and slingin' rockets over Japan while threatening nuclear annihilation, no?  

    The war of words was nasty and destabilizing.  But we all knew that at least Lil Kim wasn't going to do anything because he wants to live.  The actual destabilizing part was Dotus facilitating the chaos by responding to him.  It is yet another example of Trump exacerbating (or creating from whole cloth) a problem, then coming up with a shitty "solution" to "fix" it.  

    We didn't have to get into the name calling to being with, and we certainly didn't have to legitimize a little Hitler to de-escalate what we escalated to get us back to a point worse than where we started.  

    So while saying this is "slightly" better than slinging insults, we didn't need to sling insults to begin with.  In the end, we lost.  Bigly.

    • Like 2
  4. It's crazy to even entertain the thought that this is positive.  We gave up significant ground, left our South Korean allies flailing in the wind to ingratiate ourselves to arguably the lowest dictator on the 3rd world rung.  What is NK to us?   Nothing.  Yet now, they are "something."  And all the other little tin-pot dictators from Venezuela to Myanmar are thinking "maybe I should get me some nukes so I can get some American attention too."   

    And here we are, the 800 lb. gorilla doing back flips to impress a flea who offers us nothing but a photo op and the same empty promises they've sold us previously.  

    • Like 3
  5. Also we could try not treating people lawfully seeking asylum at the border as illegal immigrants, given that they’ve broken no laws.

    This. Instead we’re turning ICE into a modern Gestapo and locking up families like stray dogs.
  6. Just a cool mixture of the 68 and 72 thinlines, but with a rosewood board!  Nicely done!

    Thanks guys. This all came about because
    I had a leftover Jazzmaster style neck so I was trying to figure out what to do with it.

    The idea was to take all those 68/72 Tele mods and project them back to say, 1959ish. Besides, I didn’t have a Tele in my corral until now. So here it is.

    Plays like a dream. I have a push/pull pot on the volume to split the hb coil so it gives me a pretty wide range of tone. And it’s light as a feather given the weight relieved by the f hole. Not a huge difference from a full bodied Tele but I certainly notice the difference.
    • Like 3
    That's quite a lovely assembled from scratch Surlycaster!

    No trees were cut nor wood dried nor tuning pegs cast nor pickups wound by Chad Fuck in the assembly of this guitar.
  8. Just now, Mdhorn said:

    Trump does this and he'll make 2020 competitive.  

    True.  But in addition to the prison lobbyists, I'm sure the alcohol and tobacco folks have already rung him up.

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