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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. This is an interesting read: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/supreme-court-justice-second-amendment-originalism-fake-history.html
  2. Obvious answer is obvious.
  3. There’s a pretty big “except maybe SCOTUS” there at the end…
  4. The best part is he gets more more shitty with the very calm officers as he’s screaming, “I’m recording this!” So Mr. Fif N six amendment guy, when you inevitably wind up in court by these shenanigans, you thinks you’re going to come off as the more reasonable party? Self ownage level is just shy of max, where max would be getting himself killed. That’s totally in the realm of possibility in this scenario. He aggressively goes for the glove or console, and they fill that cabin full of lead.
  5. I am disappoint we didn't get to see him get tazed. Fuck that guy.
  6. Only $21k? I’ll take three of them.
  7. Yup. And get this: they’re the “gettin the band back together!” nostalgia act on the bill.
  8. I think they're overrated. I do my bidness before I go. Urinals only for this bad boy.
  9. I thought that’s what was implied? Obvious shill is obvious. It really shines a light on how important judicial appointments are. The left really needs to do a better job of cultivating jurists and placing them. The right has been very successful at it and it’s set out jurisprudence back decades. A century in some cases. They’re indifferent to it. Loyalty is the only test for tfg.
  10. The despots and would be dictators are always blind to this part, and how the story ends.
  11. Did anyone make it out to the guitar show in Dallas this weekend?
  12. Wait what? Is the Estonian lead player back in? Because he’s a bad ass. Where’s this intel from?
  13. Why would you mess with tradition?
  14. I wonder if the Germans will be so keen on the Russkies running around in their country now.
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