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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Exactly. I'm starting to think you could catch them in bed with a live boy and the gqp would just shrug and say, "Well, Imma Christian so I believe in redemption. Also, he's our guy." Those two in combination fix all ills in their mind.
  2. "That's just science." - Dotard Jr., probably.
  3. Why would anyone consider a deal with him? You have to know he won’t abide by it. So he gets something and you get nothing.
  4. I’m all for an updating of usury laws. Funny he’s going to Dem proposals as a last ditch measure. Btw, he will never do this.
  5. The band was hitting on all cylinders from what it sounds like. I'd have no problem seeing them with someone else taking lead vocal spot a la Alice In Chains. What a waste. *said the guitar/bass player with battle wounds from self-aggrandized sufferers of lead vocalist syndrome.
  6. That deserves a “Fuck yeah!”
  7. When was the last time you were in Long Beach again?
  8. So like this board, but in Russian?
  9. In Russia, kitchen is also bedroom...
  10. And are also capable of destroying all the local fauna?
  11. Florida Russia man seems like the equivalent of boas in the everglades. Don't ask me why those associated in my head, but they did.
  12. Well that’s awfully fast for that news to get out. As if they wanted it known.
  13. Or like coach says, we play until the whistle.
  14. Or they know that she has the attention span of a gnat, and will move on to some other racist dog whistle that will ultimately cover herself in shit. Ladybugs is well aware of this, and the three toed sloth has just discovered the old adage if you wrestle with pigs you get covered in muck.
  15. I"m sure that Jack White Tele is super versatile, but man, it's giving me these vibes as a mash up: That Mascis tele, however, is pretty slick. With a little binding, that'd be a straight Buck Owens monster.
  16. Ever since I’ve played my buddies walnut 345, and discovered it’s what Mick Taylor used on “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” all the walnut ES-3xx series are in my watch list. One day I’ll find one at a good rate and snatch it. Same with the double cut LP juniors. I keep looking at them, but then I tell myself I already have 2 LPs with P-90s so there are some other gaps I need in my collection until I get to one. But I really really like the Beato version in Pelham Blue.
  17. Only the acid kind.
  18. My girlfriend asked me to "kiss her where it's stinky" so I drove her to Pasadena. Good ole Stinkadena. Good times.
  19. This is worth repeating as it's a key facet of authoritarians. Pick an out group and punch down on them.
  20. The Haitian thing is more about hate than anything else, and there's plenty of Ohio haters. Truth be damned.
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