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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. "Where we're going, we don't need rearviews."
  2. White guys do it too. The way I speak in court is not even remotely the same as when I’m at a pasture party in East Texas with a Shiner in my hand. Why is this surprising to anyone?
  3. Smart, but hard move. No one will ever be able to say he road his Dad or Grandads coat tails. He is his own man.
  4. No one over the age of ten should utter that phrase.
  5. …yet. All that is old is new again. Greek fire from above.
  6. Well that’s just pure nightmare fuel.
  7. But Paxton’s gonna get his. Or so I’ve heard.
  8. What’s this about YGIFS now?
  9. Yeah except that in one case the country had actually attacked and killed thousands of American servicemen. But we get the point.
  10. Warbirds and Wheels 2024 They were a little short on warbirds this year as Cavanaugh Flight Museum usually sends a contingent. However they are moving out of Addison to Sherman and thus were absent.
  11. Warbirds and Wheels 2024
  12. I wonder what Blinken told his counterpart in those recent meetings. Evidently there was a come to Jesus moment.
  13. Hahahahajajahahajaj!!!
  14. Per Ted Cruz. *beaten to it again.
  15. Yes, this sucks, but there are a lot more.
  16. Not sure bragging about one felon coming to your party to bag on another felon is really the way for Dems to go here. But I guess I’ll allow it in the spirit of redemption.
  17. https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/29-august-the-fire-at-the-oil-depot-near-kamensk-is-repeating#google_vignette
  18. Scythian "rope a dope" would also have been an acceptable and geographically appropriate answer.
  19. Brakes are working very nicely, and got the clutch adjusted too. It's funny how you don't realize things are not optimal until someone else says, "we could do this better." Anyhow, I'm headed out to Warbirds and Wings this weekend down in Lancaster. I'll post some pics, likely in "planes" and here in "classic cars."
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