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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. The gf was right, they were a burden on their future together. With him now being dead and all.
  2. You must’ve missed it. It was right next to “slightly pregnant” in the encyclopedia.
  3. Chad Fuck


    I wonder if it was this one. Only Pacific crash I could find for 1957. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Am_Flight_7?wprov=sfti1
  4. Chad Fuck


    C’mon now. You gotta tell us the rest of that story.
  5. The haters gonna hate hate hate But I think she’s just gonna shake shake shake Shake it off
  6. That's a great point. We all knew there was never going to be a scene where they get to drink sake out of the Emperor's goblet. And that's kind of anticlimactic.
  7. That’s the kicker, isn’t it? But I have to wonder if they’re taking after China on that front.
  8. The problem is that fascists usually pick marginalized groups or people that can’t fight back as their bogeyman. Hitler had the Jews most famously. This fucking guy started with immigrants, Muslims, then moved on to trans folks. All “out” groups. Taylor is most definitely not in the “out” group (but for being a successful woman with strong strength of character). She’s has captured the zeitgeist of a generation. She has more fuck you money than he does. She has a bigger stage - literally - and reaches more people. It is a very odd move that feels like a real “jump the shark” moment. Nevertheless…
  9. They are North Korea with oil. They must be made a pariah state.
  10. This. Bob covered a time period roughly from early 1944 until May 1945 in 10 episodes. Let’s say a year and a half. It covered one unit because Steven Ambrose realized in doing research for the underlying book how unique it was that one unit was at the tip of the spear start to finish. That’s a great basis for storytelling. Pacific covered 1942- 1945, roughly twice the time period. The action was so varied and geographically widespread there was no way to tell the story of that war through the vehicle of one unit. Really, it should have been twice as long as BoB if we wanted to have proportion. But that’s not real world Hollywood. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed the Pacific and went back and read or reread the underlying books when it came out. It’s just a different animal that BoB. Same family, but different.
  11. Sir, may I subscribe to your newsletter?
  12. Chad Fuck


    Quite possible the wings could have been deformed on landing or on the way to the bottom.
  13. I don’t think it was me. But I’ve hit the limit on my memory in some quarters so…maybe?
  14. I think Hanks already scratched this itch for himself with "Greyhound." But of course, I'd love to see a longer form Navy point of view.
  15. The G model had the chin turret and wasn't introduced until late 1943. So the show timeline hasn't arrived there yet. I just watched the first two episodes last night. So forgive me if these thoughts have already been expressed upthread but I just thought I'd lay them out here. First, I'm very happy that this is being made so all my thoughts should be in that context. 1. The dialogue goes between being decent, then having some weird Star Wars-esque awkwardness. I even noticed a few more modern slang phrases thrown in that in my decades of watching 40s period films - both war documentary and those produced for entertainment - never made appearances back then. That threw me a bit. 2. The Gen Z actors don't appear to be able to replicate the attitudes of the Greatest Generation in this film. Of course, that may be in large part because they never knew any. Most of that generation are gone and any Gen Z interaction with them at all probably took place when the Greatest Gen person was a shadow of their former selves and the Gen Z'er wasn't old enough to appreciate the nuances of their personalities. At the least, it feels like they could've watched a few more period movies and at least caught the zeitgeist of the times. Like the smoking comment upthread, I get the feeling that there wasn't enough background studying done to get into the times and the attitudes and perspectives those times produced. 3. I'm a little disappointed in the CGI. I understand there are not fleets of B-17s to work with. But there are 1000s of hours of footage both in the period and up to the current time to mimic for flight behavior of airplanes in general and B-17s specifically. Hell, I've seen video games that damn near nail it. As a warbird nerd (as I'm sure many in this thread are) and having personally seen many B-17s fly I have a least a little feel for how that should sound, and what it should like like. But I was thoroughly displeased with the take-off/landing sequences and in flight brake up scenes. They didn't ring true and this was disappointing given how much source material there is to refer to to make it right. 4. Some of the accent feel a little wonky. Otherwise, really enjoyed. I also which they'd shown some more stateside training like they did in BoB, but I understand budget limitations, etc.
  16. Souldier Epivo in a Jimmy Page pattern Epivo
  17. I wouldn’t necessarily say dumber. I suspect they were pretty dumb long before this particular version of dumb arrived on the scene. Tl; dr - it’s hard to get dumber when you’re already very dumb.
  18. Marcus King could make a damn washtub string bass look cool.
  19. Then that’s what you should offer. I’m telling you I got a whopper of a deal on my 54 LP custom ri posted up thread because it was clear to me that guy needed the money before Christmas. I was not really looking to buy that guitar but I was like “fuck it we’ll see how motivated he is.” “Very” was the answer. This guys been holding onto this one for a while. Either he’s really proud of it, or he hasn’t had any bites and he may be willing to entertain lowballs to get rid of it. The worst he can do is tell you “no thanks.” My 2 cents, worth exactly what you paid for it.
  20. I have a buddy who is super into straps. Like he buys and sells them on Reverb, etc. Someone just gave him a box of old straps from the 60s. He has at least one of all the famous straps you can think of. I guess that's what you do when you've filled up all the space you have with guitars, amps, and pedals. The nooks and crannies get straps.
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