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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Look at him shaking his head "no" there.
  2. It's "hold my beer" writ large.
  3. I mean, he's done a damned good job of it.
  4. The bolded part is the key. They certainly have to finish with Ukraine before trying to take on anyone else. A two front war is absolutely out of the question for them. Which makes me wish a motherfucker would.
  5. They want it to be 1950. Poor Clarence doesn't see the irony of this for whatever fool reason. Like any other out group fellow traveller, he thinks he's going to get a pat on the back rather than a kick out the door once his usefulness is done. I'll never understand the right's desire to return to an idyllic past that only ever existed in their minds. Those who don't study history...
  6. Chad Fuck

    Led Zeppelin

    Somehow I missed both this post and this show. This was my last semester of undergrad, and I'm trying to figure out how I could've missed this show. My guess is that this was Spring Break and I probably couldn't afford to go to this, but I could afford to get into some sxsw show somewhere down on 6th or thereabouts.
  7. He is the epitome of the privileged white southern male. The worst of frat daddy fuck boys. No wonder Kentucky is such a meth addled shit hole. And I come from East Texas. I know all about it.
  8. Yet here we are doing the same thing again.
  9. This is it. This is the end game. Control of the many by a self-selected few.
  10. Which tells you it was never about the health of the woman or the baby. It’s about controlling women’s bodies. Period. Full stop.
  11. Duck confit at Cafe Degas. It’s a level down from a lot of restaurants in this thread, price wise, but the vibe was really laid back and it was close to our friends’ house.
  12. Man I love it when revolutions eat their own. Maybe the finding out will happen here.
  13. Has this story shown up here yet? It hope it’s true. I mean, I know he died, but hadn’t seen this story of how.
  14. We don’t. I checked before buying and it’s still tbd.
  15. I bought my weekend one tix this morning. See y'all there.
  16. Those two voices together are the kind of thing that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
  17. I don't know if you've heard, but it's undefeated. Seriously, she has the strong whiff of someone who knows just the right words to say to get where she want to be. Social climber extraordinaire.
  18. No, but while I was there I got to shake VY’s hand and tell him thanks for all the entertainment over the years. /csb #notsohumblebrag
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