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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Man, my folks and cousins live in MW and I'm out there all the time. I had no idea this was there. I'll definitely have to check it out.
  2. Me too. But my dad made the mistake of bringing my grandmother along. We made it about 15 minutes in and after enough f bombs dropped he got up and we walked out. I had to wait until it came out on HBO to see the whole thing. Sad Chad. /csb.
  3. Looks like a pretty good bar set up just to the right hand of the guitarist. Which is exactly as it should be. I am curious about why the set list is drawn up in Morse Code in the left side of the pic. Is this some sort of brainteaser?
  4. It really is a dream set up. I see a garage door big enough to drive a classic car through. Or park a boat.
  5. This kid is going to volunteer to carve the turkey every year now.
  6. She looks like she just stuck her head in a bee hive. Turribad.
  7. I have a Jazz bass that the same kind of deal. It can go from active to passive with the flip of a switch and has concentric knobs that do...a bunch of stuff I always forget and have to dig in the case for the explainer. I have always played it out passive with my classic rock/country band because that's the sound I go for with them and...reference can't remember all the shit it does in previous sentence.
  8. This whole forced conscription, disproportionate effects on minorities, drug and discipline issues just reeks of the late 60s/early 70s US Army in Vietnam. Grab a bunch of folks off the street to go to die in a war that they don't understand or believe in. Act surprised the they self-medicate/check-out when they get there. I'm predicting a Russian Dien Bien Phu. Sevastopol would be a prime location, but Mariupol may work too. Full on troglodyte communities of guys who have just said, "Not my monkey, not my football, not fighting anymore." Hell, why not both?
  9. This. You traumatize people during training, then send them into a combat zone where they're guaranteed to be traumatized, then you're surprised that they have an outcome you don't want them to have with respect to that trauma? To act as if all is normal? So fucked.
  10. Modern war, nuke or not, is just not worth it. Find a way to make a deal.
  11. Is he volunteering? Because there’s some shit I need taken care of and I don’t want to pay for it. Literally.
  12. Won’t have the same effect on your Kia.
  13. Looks like Cotton Hill if he was a giant pussy instead of war hero.
  14. No no. Helobious has told us there’s no new tales to tell from that war.
  15. So much this. There are assholes everywhere (ahem, perhaps on this very board!) and they stick out because they are assholes, not because they are Christians or atheists. But as long as I’ve been politically aware (early 80s) there’s been an overwhelming number of Christian assholes hogging the spotlight in this country. They’re very good at “lookit me!!!!!” That said, I know many atheists and Christians who are wonderful people. We don’t talk about them because they don’t stand out. They’re just busy living their lives and not being assholes.
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