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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. South Koreans celebrate as Yoon withdraws martial law troopspublished at 13:43 13:43 Moments after South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announced he would lift the martial law people outside the National Assembly celebrated, the AFP news agency reports. It adds that Yoon says martial law troops have withdrawn after the National Assembly voted to block his imposition of military rule.
  2. He needs to have something on them. That's the way the mob works. You can get away with your unspeakable shit, just so long as you stay loyal to me.
  3. Who that fucking guy left hanging. So looking forward to that again…
  4. This man smelt of patchouli and his clothes looked like refashioned burlap sacks. His hair reeked of raw eggs and white boy dreds. But boy, he sure could slappa da bass! He was of his own class and distinction.
  5. We had this hippie base player who used to take a shit in a bowl and then use it to fertilize his garden. When we informed him of E. coli, he smiled and nodded and then went back to talking about how good his corn grew. Which devolved into more scatalogical humor, as you might have predicted. Don't know if he ever got sick, but I can't imagine carrying bowls of his own dookie around did him any health favors. /csb
  6. Look for "WE DON'T USE RAW MILK" signs to pop up in restaurants soon. Or the opposite. More lines we can draw between each other.
  7. Chat GPT sounds like an asshole, with none of the taste or refinement that we're known for here.
  8. This is what the Republicans do and they just won. Clinton told us two things at this convention that mattered: 1. Meet people where they are (don't talk down to people - even though you want to); and 2. IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID. Love or loathe the man, he knows politics.
  9. That's the freedom to die by ignorance, son. You take that away, well, then you just don't really have America anymore, do you?
  10. Ahem. Round these parts, we say "She sure sounds pretty."
  11. I mean, we didn't say he wouldn't be fun to hang out with, just that he's a terrible choice of Sec of Defense.
  12. Dallas decided we didn't want to use plastic bags because they fill up White Rock Lake, etc. But Abbott told us we couldn't decide for ourselves. That broke dick fucker.
  13. Israeli occupation of Golan Heights. There's a key in the upper right which is...key for tracking the many and varied coalitions and groups.
  14. Pretty good map out of the UA live map folks: https://syria.liveuamap.com
  15. We can’t even slightly improve the general citizenry’s health outcomes! That’s socialism! And against gods will! The last few pages here are a perfect example of how the right dangles a shiny emotional object in front of people so they can rob them and give their money to their 1%er buddies.
  16. I just don’t understand how Russia can take this many losses and still be in the field. I guess with the post up thread about Ukraine’s losses it kinda makes sense.
  17. Do you think for one second that tfg's transition team has any idea of the normal processes? Or if so, do you think they care? Purely rhetorical of course. I know we both know the answers to those questions.
  18. The answer to "Can I?" without contemplating, "Should I?" It is kind of fun as a one-off "how over the top would this shit be?!?" kind of project.
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