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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Because rushing Boeing will definitely help their quality control. In this case, I’ll allow it.
  2. This is what I’ve thought of these all along. There has to be a certain percentage that are saying they voted for him just on the off chance that gets their prayer some attention. We all know there are zero fucks given for the rest of us.
  3. Born on third and thought he hit a triple.
  4. This is what I’ve been saying. Sometimes you just have to say, “No.”. Then find a way to hit him in his wallet.
  5. The short answer is because they work and we can build more faster than they can. But those are both things the Euros can work up to.
  6. People who want this always imagine themselves as the in group.
  7. The upside here is that the 1000 year reich only lasted 12. Getting out of it left a hell of a hangover though.
  8. Reagan saw the Russians as the adversaries they are, not the allies that fucking guy wants them to be.
  9. US arms manufacturers must be screaming at tfg right now. He’s making sure Europe turns away from them, costing us billions. True fafo land.
  10. And we need to keep those defense workers churning out war machines lest the shit hit the fan. Also jobs program. We can argue highest and best use of that labor, but it is effective.
  11. You heard it right. Zelensky was being as politic as he could be in the situation. But he wasn't completely supplicant, therefore, BAD!
  12. Uncontrolled field. Won't be able to blame that on tfg, but don't let that stop you from trying.
  13. These.
  14. There was also Laxtono and Trey3216 saying tfg would take a hard line with Putin. Hi-larious bit!
  15. I know what they'll say. But they'll know that I know.
  16. Well, at least we have an easy way to figure out who the traitors are now. If you tell anyone the Republican Party is putting the interests of Russia over those of America, and they argue with you, you have a traitor.
  17. Is it really that a JCM 900 isn’t loud enough, or just that you’re going deaf?
  18. Isn’t this the plot of Goldfinger?
  19. Except none of them are cool and they’re very angry about it. This version of Revenge of the Nerds is much less cool and needs more tites than the original.
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