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Everything posted by Horns4Horns
Pretty much. Yup. You agree with Lincoln Riley's rumored excuse that he was not "consulted" by OU brass on the Big12 - to - SEC departure? That can't be true, right? I go back and forth as to whether or not I believe it. More likely, Mrs. Riley wanted to move away from all the candy he's been tasking in and around Norman. Although I'm not sure moving to LA makes that better. In fact, quite the opposite. LOL.
The S&C coach doesn't throw a pick when pressured. Dime Time does. In the UCF games I watched this year (4 of them -- wife went there), the dude got happy feet and made a lot of bad throws. He is a downgrade from Caleb Williams. OU is trending down / not up.
Who is the "We" you reference? The Texas Big 12 school grads that I know (esp the Tech and Coug High dudes) are pissed off at the arrogance of us saying "WE have floated them financially for years" when pretty much all of them live in Texas and pay state and local taxes "that allows us to float them financially". I laugh but they aren't wrong. It will be interesting to see if the PUF legislation goes anywhere. Smart of them to exclude A&M from getting harmed in the potential state constitution amendment. WE (there's that pesky word again) may have traded an additional $30mm / year in ESPN SEC TV revenue for a billion dollars in PUF damage to our school's P&L. It's okay. WE are in the right on this. Right, Pete?
Happy to do so.
It's called hypocrisy, Pam. I'm sure we have professors (probably tenured using my family's donations and taxpayer money) teaching an excellent course on the subject. You can probably take it online.
I'm happy to sign off now and go over to the Baker Mayfield sucks thread (more productive and less emotional for me). I made my point even if you hypocrites won't admit it. Baylor had a rape problem. Fuck em but they did something about it. We have a rape problem. In what I have now learned over the past few weeks, we haven't learned anything. But let's keep calling Baylor RapeU while our sisters/nieces/cousins and (yup) daughters have a 1 in 8 chance of being raped while in Austin. Yeah us.
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Wrong. UT grad school and undergrad. Relatives in the Alumni Hall of Fame also. And fuck you.
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I agree campus rape is an enormous and pervasive issue. Our "fans" (none of my buds) feel the urge to call out Baylor as RapeU while we have a culture where 1,000 women a year are raped on our campus. That's called hypocrisy. And there is another special place in hell for hypocrites. Baylor's idiot administration (all of whom were fired) let all that happen on their watch. May they all burn in hell. However, we have our own massive issue that continues and no one has the balls to follow McRaven's "drive to zero" plan. Oh, and our Title IX department is a total joke. Hard to serve up video or audio confirmation of being raped after being roofied, don't you think? And, as a "girl", I am sure you would agree with this, right?
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Where is our "Texas is the New Rape U" thread? Couldn't find it. If this was happening now to your family, you wouldn't be so cavalier. Really.
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Thanks for the correction (honestly) but LMFAO that "only" 1,000 reports of sexual (and other) harassment had been made to UT staff (including complaints against faculty). According to our own 2017 survey, less than 25% of these things are even reported. You confirmed what I am trying to point out. We have a giant fucking problem but only seem to want to point fingers at other schools' issues from 7-25 years ago. WTF. How 'bout we clean up our own shit first? Join me with our current problem or do you still need to shit on other schools for stupid crap their admins / coaches did then that are no longer there? Our present issue or someone else's past shit? Your call, pal.
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And we even have tenured professors who are teaching classes entitled "What is the Age of Consent Among Young Males?" and the "Mythology of Rape". And we are bitching about Penn State and Baylor and calling them PedU and RapeU? GTFOH You can't make this shit up.
Probably not. But with 1,000 reports of sexual harassment against (not making this up) actual UT-Austin employees and faculty in 2020 alone, who should be the fucking apologist? What in the hell is going on at our University? Who gives a fuck about coverups when you have actual rapes and assaults in the thousands each year from both the student population and faculty? LMFAO. We crap on Penn State and Baylor and have 1,000 reported violations FROM FACULTY AND STAFF? WTF???? Go fuck yourself, "Apologist".
No disagreement with you. That shit sucks and they should pay. And pay big. Looks like they did. Same for Penn State -- since someone asked. Are those schools garbage? Are we still racists because we sing "Eyes of Texas"? According to our report, No. And I believe that report fully. There were people running those schools then that made huge fucking mistakes. Glad they got scorched and then fired. Fuck them. That's on the people. Not the school. Institutions don't make mistakes. The people running them do. My point is our people running our school right now are not doing nearly enough on campus sexual assaults. Right now. It's not an institutional problem. It's a leadership problem. We need those people canned now. Same as what Baylor did. Not sure what Penn State did but recall they cleaned house also. Good on them. Fire the leaders and start over. Why wait for "the big problem" to erupt in the press when the numbers are so big? Thanks for your post.
Baylor fired the school President (Ken Starr is such a tool). They fired the AD. They fired the Head Coach. Where is our accountability in our administration? We have 5x the number of Co-Eds but 20x more sexual assaults. I'll let you do Penn State. Will that make you feel better about our 1,000 rapes a year?
There is no defense for what they did. They fired their President. They fired their AD. They fired their Head Coach. We survey 7,500 of our own students. We then produce a report that shows that 1,000 of our own schools girls being sexually assaulted. And all we do is call it "Unacceptable" but no one is fired? Now THAT is unacceptable. We always save the best for last, right? The "report" then says "call the Title IX" department. LOL. You want to know what happens when you call that number? A whole lot of fucking nothing. That's what. My point is that at least Baylor had the balls to account for it. We don't do shit but that doesn't stop the idiots here from always pointing the finger north of us when our problem is 10-20x bigger when it comes to actual human lives destroyed. Now YOU get the fuck outta here, Asshole.
It's just "numbers" to these idiots. Until it's your sister/cousin/niece/friend/relative. But, hey, let's call Baylor Rape U from 7 years ago and Murder U from (what?) 25 years ago -- so no one (including us) has to actually look at our own Giant. Fucking. Problem.
A Thousand Girls a Year get raped on Texas campus each year. Right now. And we have to keep talking about Baylor's "rape problem" from what -- 6-7 years ago?? I don't even know how many girls were assaulted up there. And who cares. But it sure as shit is form factors fewer than what's happening every day / every night in Austin. Right now. My point is it is weak sauce hypocrisy. It's intellectually easy to not look at the stupid decisions our administration has made over the past 10 years with football (and with our own shitty Joke of a Title IX Dept) and then just call Baylor "RapeU" when they are outperforming us in football. How about we start with handling our own giant fucking rape problem going on NOW and then also find an AD who can actually hire a competent football coach. Is that so hard?
Our own school report was from 2017, dumbass. I am NOT defending Baylor. They did fire everyone in their administration after their unmitigated disaster. Yeah them. Do we fire anyone when 1,000 women on our campus are raped every year? Nope. My problem is with you dumbasses that get butt hurt about Baylor and immediately turn to "the rape thing" when 10-20x more women are getting raped on our own campus and there isn't shit being done about. Nothing. We have our own giant problem (and we know better) but it's just so easy to point at what the idiot administration did at Baylor and say "that's them" but we are good to go / better. Bullshit. It's just "numbers", right? Our athletes haven't been implicated, right? What is this? The Big School Rapes are To Be Expected Defense? Really? Are we that stupid now? So Baylor beat our ass and got to a bowl game and we didn't. So they actually know how to hire multiple football coaches who don't suck. Okay, yeah them. But please stop with the RapeU or Rapelor bullshit. We have a 10-20 bigger rape problem. They aren't just numbers too assholes. They are your sisters, your cousins or your friends. Wait until your little sister or cousin is one of the "Just A Thousand" who get sexually assaulted and then report back to me how (a) shitty it feels and (b) Baylor some how has a bigger problem than us. They don't.
Who gives a fuck if it was an athlete's Johnson or that of a Frat Boy? There was plenty of covering up that happened re: my cousin -- our Title IX is a total piece of shit. Who is covering up what? Are you also suggesting that there is no athlete SA at UT? I saw a lot of that when I was there In the 1990's. Fuck you. You don't know what you are talking about.
Minus the rape? Unfortunately, no. Our own damn offical UT survey in 2017 survey showed that 15% of our undergraduate female population had been sexually assaulted while at Texas. Who gives a fuck if it was on campus or not. Some dickhead frat boy (our family knows who he is) roofied my cousin while she when she was a Soph and raped her. 15% of our women get raped on our campus and we are still talking shit about Baylor? STFU -- unless you've had it happen to your family you can just STFU. We are talking about more than 1,000 women per year.
I don't think the "New Big 12" will be awesome. I do think it will be the 3rd best conference behind the SEC and Big10. The Pac12 (fuck you Lincoln Riley) is in a death spiral for dozens of reasons and the ACC is a turd unless Clemson is strong. My media pals say that the 2025 Big12 TV rights deal will be for at least as much money as each team is getting now - if not more so. Something about inventory, total eyeballs, location (mostly central time zone), etc. And that is with 4 more schools. As good as our next SEC TV deal ($70mm plus at least)? No. But potentially on par with the Big12 and way better than what is happening Out West (Oh, the ACC is screwed for the next 10 years with their crappy TC deal. Sorry, Clemson).
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