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Certifiably Surly
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Gatorubet last won the day on February 25 2023

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33259 Surly 1%

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  1. Gata by 19. Why apparently God has decided we will never have a good women’s basketball team, I don’t know, but that is what the Almighty has decided.
  2. Congrats. should not have been as close.
  3. she has good looks and a good stroke in the corner, but she’s just one percent off
  4. I am entertained. But fuck a Crypt Keeper and LSU.
  5. A gentle reminder: fuck Duke! Always.
  6. Apparently , not 100% of Facebook is turrible. .
  7. Jayhawks doing some work against Arizona right now.
  8. Just a fantastic game to watch. I can’t wait till the madness starts.
  9. so do you play D or instantly foul and go for the last 3 shot?
  10. The good news is, I can enjoy the result no matter who loses. Fuck them both.
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