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Certifiably Surly
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Gatorubet last won the day on February 25 2023

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31131 Surly 1%

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  1. You make that sound like a bad thing when the Venn Diagram looks like a good thing.
  2. I met her about 10 years ago in Hawaii when she was filming that mike and dave need wedding dates movie. I was at a sushi place and a large party of the movie crew arrived and were seated next to us. It was a very informal kind of communal sitting thing. I obviously don’t know her, but damn could that girl put down some booze. She was like a sake vacuum cleaner. She was absolutely shitfaced by the time we left.
  3. Since I was diagnosed with cancer in 2019, I have not paid less than $8000 in co-pays each year. I just got a one month supply of one drug I take that costs me $1100 (this one is a non-cancer drug). The good news is that Medicare has changed the program for 2025 and now limits out-of-pocket to just $2000 - and then all my drugs are free. In other words, I just got a $6000 pay raise. I’m sure Trump will get rid of that and because of my pre-existing conditions my part B supplement plan will deny coverage and require me to pay over $4000 a month for the shot. ‘Murica!
  4. Gatorubet

    2025 Drunk Thread

    i’ve had a booster within 10 years. There is also a recent study showing that you likely have 30 year booster effectiveness. If it hurts or looks red and inflamed in a day or two, I will do exactly that thing though. that is a great suggestion.
  5. Gatorubet

    2025 Drunk Thread

    it’s noon now, so I’m having a cocktail to see if it will help the soul of my left foot, which stepped on a rusty roofing nail yesterday. I had a new roof put on recently and the contractor. supposedly ran magnets around the yard, but so far I’ve picked up at least 10 of them in the soles of my various shoes. I unfortunately was wearing the thinnest souled shoes I had yesterday when I picked up this one. Google says I should clean the wound with alcohol. I thought “what would Ronald Reagan do?” - and I decided the trickle down theory was best. Drinking some and we’ll see what happens.
  6. Was she wearing really skinny Fuck me pumps? Or sensible shoes beneath her half rolled up stockings?
  7. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-petersburg-suspends-flights/32291519.html Alien drones man, alien drones.
  8. ACC finishes the ball season 2-11. FSU can’t understand why an undefeated season in that powerhouse conference didn’t get them in the playoff last year. I know y’all insist you don’t care how well your conference does, but it can absolutely make a difference in the perception of the various committees whether you belong in a particular bowl or playoff.
  9. I’m not going to judge you for selling drugs, but I have a problem with you turning in Dr. Richard Kimball
  10. The matter with Oklahoma? We’re gonna need a bigger thread.
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