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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Me too. Weird. It’s like he didn’t want his guests to have to deal with me uncomfortably for the entire dinner.
  2. Okay. Tesla prices have been dropping all year, which means that everybody's waiting for it to hit rock bottom so they can buy cheap and go long. Which means that the Tesla shareholders are goin' bat-shit. They're saying, "Hey, we're losing all our goddamn money, and Christmas is just around the corner, and I ain't gonna have no money to buy my son the G.I. Joe with the kung-fu grip, right? And my wife won't f... my wife won't make love to me 'cuz I ain't got no money, right?" So they're panicking right now, they're screaming "SELL! SELL!" to get out before the price keeps dropping. They're panicking out there right now! I can feel it!
  3. I did not read any content about the police shooting his companion dog, so I’m a bit skeptical about this story.
  4. I hear you, but if someone loses their employment, $1000 is not gonna get ‘em very far for a whole lot of people.
  5. Almost half of America can’t pay a $400 bill unless they use a credit card. We are essentially a paycheck to paycheck nation. When I dabbled in bankruptcy, I realize it made no difference how much money people made, they were still a month or two away from losing their F250s and McMansion.
  6. While I totally agree with you, I have to point out that we’ve already jumped 10,567 rails so far, so what’s one more? I guess it all depends on whether you’re remotely worried about future election results or not.
  7. When Trump guts Social Security and Medicare, I’m betting that a lot of MAGA seniors will be surprised to hear from their kids that, “No, you won’t be moving in with us. You can try praying to Trump…”
  8. Excellent observation. I need someone to tell me what the Trump’s economic policies are doing to manufactured homes prices.
  9. but move your points before they do
  10. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it doesn’t seem to fit that the donkey show would be at a “minor brothel”. That just screams “major brothel”.
  11. fify
  12. According to the Harry Turtledove alternative history series, the war with Canada does not go well.
  13. fify
  14. and I’m not being remotely hyperbolic to say that I’ve already purchased potassium iodide pills for friends and family….just in case.
  15. Dow down 441 right now. So. Much. Winning.
  16. Nope. Visa. Man, I just saw where Southwest is now going to end your credit points after 12 months. Does anyone know if that means you lose your points from a year and a half ago on the magic day they implement it - or do you have a year to you use points to make a High point value reservation for a flight 18 months from now - and get around the expiration by using the flight credit in future?
  17. I think the best bang for your buck is the Capital One Venture X card. Fight me! Not the best mind you, but certainly the best value for the benefits you receive. Closer to a platinum AMEX with access to Capital One lounges and the Priority Pass lounges - but at half the price. Plus, 10x points for hotels is great. I have branded Airline credit cards for American, Delta, United and Southwest. That does help with things like bumped up boarding groups, less blackout dates when making a reservation and no bag charges.
  18. We’ll always have the happy memory of seeing the Downfall Hitler videos he made announcing his victory over the stupid Shaggy lawyers who didn’t understand how the Fifth Circuit deals with qualified immunity. it was amazing. He is married to a highly skilled and intelligent attorney, and yet he could not get past us telling him what would happen - without him morphing that into us telling him what we wanted to happen - and him acting out all butt hurt Just astonishing failures to read the room and to understand that it is a lawyer‘s job to predict what will happen, even if we strongly disagree with the result.
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