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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. No wonder you don’t know shit about political science. You might as well say you know a shit ton about making and selling pillows, so that makes you an expert on voting machines.
  2. You finished her sandwich too, didn’t you?
  3. His bed definitely does…
  4. We need life-size figures in bronze to memorialize this event and place it somewhere in Kentucky
  5. I pledge but in my defense, since I watched that Zelensky meeting, I’ve been wanting to fight everybody.
  6. No. Nobody thinks that. The bold is you thinking the goal of an election is to “get the representation to align with the views of constituents.” That is not a goal. That has never been a goal. That will never be a goal. The goal is to allow fair elections, with the entire theory behind democracy being that the more input from all sides and the greater the cooperation from all sides, the better society will be. You want a representative democracy where every election is preordained because the purpose of democracy is to get 100% of each team in each district - leaving each politician to ignore completely the minority views, because they will never be threatened with losing an election, allowing unreasonable ideology and team over benefit to public to shutdown government through a lack of compromise. This is the model you want.
  7. Only beat Aggie by 19. I haz a disappoint.
  8. Slow start Gators slow starting vs Aggy, then On to second half.
  9. This is a basic requirement for any MAGA voter debasing themselves by criticizing the orange God-King. Otherwise they will be jumped on by everybody on the forum as a commie Libtard.
  10. I’ll bite. And this is absolutely crazy talk now, mind you….. but maybe through the electoral process the voters vote for candidates who most share their morals and interests and political philosophies on issues. And then those elected officials selected through the electoral process want to get elected again, and lean toward voting in Congress in a way that the electorate likes. Wacky, I know.
  11. this is a spot on assessment. there will never be introspection that leads them to realize they were wrong. The best we could do is have their lizard brain connect voting for the GOP will not get my job back. If the Democrats ever get back in power - on day one they have to ignore any attempt at conciliation with the GOP and shove through some voting right acts on steroids. and make interfering with federal elections a mandatory minimum 20 years in federal prison.
  12. This is really the epitome of MAGA thought. I stormed the capital and have criminal problems. But I wanna drive even though I’m not allowed to drive, so I’m gonna go to a different state to see if I can get a hardship license. But even though I do not have a license, I’m gonna drive anyway. But you can’t give me a ticket or arrest me for driving without a license because you don’t understand it would be hard for me to have a negative consequence for yet another illegal thing I’ve done. I’m looking on the bright side of this. He can visit with mom at the local cemetery all the time now without having to drive.
  13. You smooth brain Aggy. Before one more word passes your stupid typing fingers to this board, explain how you are going to change the constitution to implement your stupid plan that understands nothing about the entire concept of democracy as enshrined in our constitution? And you are apparently still don’t understand what gerrymandering is. Gerrymandering is NOT people who support one party more in a particular geographic area voting for that party. Nobody gives a shit what you want - when what you want is patently unconstitutional, and there is zero chance for this country voting for a constitutional amendment to enact the essence of stupid idea that you love so much. The reason you don’t get this is because you think everyone should vote for their team, not issues or policies. For instance, you could have a Republican congressman, supporting Ukraine and the dip shit orange traitor taking the anti-Ukraine position. NOTHING about that factual scenario means that everyone in the state should vote for the same team just because the two candidates have a GOP next to their name. How did you pass high school civics?
  14. Weird. My dad lying to me about how the Ninth Armored and the Big Red One liberated camps in the Flossenburg system near the Czechoslovakia border with Germany. He seemed so affected by seeing all of those dying women prisoners. And now Carly tells me it was all a lie and Nazis were the good guys. She needs to have cherished Nazi symbols tattooed over her body and be parachuted nude into the Russian lines. The tattoos will start the conversation and she can educate them as well.
  15. Exactly right. if Britain and Germany had gone to war at that time, Britain would most surely have lost the Battle of Britain. They needed a huge amount of luck to win it as it was. Most people don’t realize that building a Spitfire was a very long process at the beginning of the war and their aircraft assembly production lines were a few years away from being able to produce the numbers they needed. It was far more difficult for Britain to create that unique wing than pumping out simpler and cheaper older design Hurricanes (or Germany its Messerschmitt bf190s.) While Chamberlain wanted to avoid war, there was also a pragmatic reason for wanting to avoid it if possible at that time. they still had a lot of bi-planes. The 11 months from “peace in our time” to the declaration of war with Germany also allowed the chain home radar station to be built as well. There are at least extenuating reasons for Chamberlain’s thought process. There are absolutely none for Trump’s, other than him being a Russian asset.
  16. And that asshole had to add that he “supports government cuts”. So yet another example of ‘please bring pain to everyone else but not me daddy Donnie’ selfishness. He even still has a job but because he has to work harder in the future, he is annoyed. Fuck that guy. I hope he loses his job eventually, and then house.
  17. I think the internal polling numbers told them what was gonna happen, and the only thing you could do is try not to completely eliminate the enthusiasm so the down ballot votes would not be so horrible. I took that prediction as more of a survival strategy once they figured out what was going to happen than being his actual assessment of what would happen
  18. This is the type of shit you wanna see from a hated rival’s board when you’re having coffee the next day Since 2005, we are 48 and 20 versus Miami. That percentage is even worse in regional, super regional and CWS games. Those guys owned us back in the day when I attended UF. It is so great to see the start of their game thread where they are hoping to win just one from us - and complaining about how we own them. Straight. Into. My. Veins.
  19. why isn’t this game on the Ocho?
  20. The conference results y’all don’t care about so far is SEC 12 - opponents 2 Kick their ass.
  21. Gata and Co-canes series is even at 135-135-1 after tonight’s victory over those assholes.
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