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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. That’s only because you read these platforms with the brain of a moron. everybody else sees that they Sane-washed the worst presidential candidate in the history of the country to such an unprecedented extent that the scales had a journalistic thumb pressed firmly on it.
  2. Really? This is exactly the sort of intellectual dishonesty that you favor that leads to your reputation here. I said absolutely not one thing in support of or against generational households. I merely pointed out that your data point construct - being a single income person supporting their family like the 1960s - was still absolutely an obtainable goal, not something false “sold” to them. it’s just that now nobody wants that particular life. From my perspective, it was more the 1980s ‘greed is good’ philosophy, with an emphasis placed on how much you made and how nice a neighborhood you lived in that altered your little white house construct. If you truly wanted to be accurate, you should’ve listed the lie that spending money on college would always be a good decision. People who became literally financially crippled through ridiculous educational debt have a right to feel hopeless and that they were lied to. It took me six years to graduate, and I literally earned every dollar of my college degree, including tuition and living expenses. I had to work part time while I was going to school and I took many semesters off to work as a union laborer, which made much more money than minimum wage. But I graduated with no debt, somebody that made my decision to obtain a post graduate degree financially sensible. People who owe 150 K for a philosophy degree should be angry, but should’ve had enough sense to know where that was leading. I very much blame high school guidance counselors and universities for selling that bill of goods Since you brought up multigenerational living, I think it is an idea that will happen of necessity rather than planning, as people will not be able to put mama in the nursing home or Assisted Living m ok due to insufficient assets. A combination of family assisting with a modicum of hourly caregivers is likely way less expensive. And of greater importance, in many cases it would result in better care for their elderly loved ones. And I can see part of grandma or grandpa‘s Social Security being used to help pay the mortgage on that multigenerational home. All of that is not a bad thing in my mind, as family needs to support family.
  3. no, they weren’t. What was normal to me growing up in the early 60s was a one car family with a two or three bedroom house with one bathroom. You could afford that on one income. Nothing about that vision of America said everyone deserves a Mcmansion with a giant bathroom suite, several expensive foreign cars and all the toys and vacations you felt you wanted. My current 5 bedroom house is nicer when we bought it than any home I or my former wife ever had growing up. My home is not a McMansion. I felt that I was entitled to the two bedroom, one bath, small house and one car with one income life - and that I was extremely fortunate to have done better than that in my personal situation. But that is likely because I was born in the 1950s - and many folks who were born in the last 30 years can’t conceive of the way I grew up as being anything but poor.
  4. The problem is the way to win is to demonize people and make the electorate scared even though what you say is false. To win, you must constantly lie about what you do and about what your opponent does. But most of all, to win you have to be absolutely cruel to some group that you’ve decided you will blame everything on. That is the template for a winning strategy these last several decades. I don’t particularly want to belong to that party, so I guess I will remain in the losing minority until I die.
  5. he will tell them it’s all Kamala’s fault and they will believe him.
  6. Well, it is difficult. When you see people approaching you with giant pustules all over their faces and a feather duster jammed up their asses - all because a politician told them it would be good to do this - it is hard to pretend not to notice, let alone refuse to comment on the pustules and the feather dusters. But please, continue to turn around and shake your feather duster at us.
  7. Time to buy expensive shit from the Chin-ee before tariffs. If you’re gonna buy solar, you better do it now while the government has money to give you 30% credit.
  8. Oh, I would not say the south is “deep”.
  9. if Immamac can monitor the poster, “Fat Ugly Lonely Lesbian” sounds like an excellent new screen name
  10. They voted for a convicted and admitted sexual predator - a man whose family had a charity that stole from children cancer patients - a man who is cheated almost every contractor he ever employed, and his employees admitted during his trial they might be fired if they paid what Trump agreed to pay in a contract without getting it reduced. They voted for a man who made fun of people with visible health problems, voted for a man who said police should smash the head of presumed until innocent arrestees on police cars, a man who only the stupidest human beings on earth would be able not to tell was a pathological liar and narcissist, a president who stole national security documents - and then lied about it and tried to hide them after he stole them, and a man who swore to take revenge on the news, political opponents, and anyone who opposed him. You have the fucking gaul to question calling those people ‘stupid’ under those absolutely true and unquestioned facts The fabric is coming apart because those fucking idiots are too stupid to tell that the fabric is coming apart, and support the least honorable or stable or competent or intelligent president in our history.
  11. Poor Johnny Sack, the liberal women hate his neanderthal ass. You are too stupid to realize that the core of your premise is the dumb incel boys need to avoid women who are smarter than they are. The smarter women have already taken care of that Johnny
  12. like the cowardly pieces of shit you so adore, you completely skate around the fact that they love a racist GOP. You do this because you believe the same things those racist GOP idiots believe. You think it’s more important not to call out racists supporting racists because it makes them feel bad. You think it’s more important not to call out stupid people for being stupid because it makes them feel bad. You think these things are more important than not being stupid and not being racist. and this is where we disagree. here is a tip; they did not vote for Trump because they felt that the mean liberals called them a name or thought they were stupid. They voted for Trump because they are stupid - and because they really love them some racism and some sexism and some homophobia. Own it - or explain why supporting racists is not supporting racism.
  13. so you are saying they are not racist - they just avidly support politicians who are absolutely unequivocally racist - did I get that right? Your next step is for you to say that the GOP is not racist, because then we will know exactly what we’re talking about
  14. you forgot to explain how to not look down on racists when they are doing and supporting racist things. I think you’re asking us to be more tolerant of racists and not look down on them, but I’m not sure exactly how to do that. “Deport all the Haitians, even the US citizens?……Lord knows Cletus, I’m not trying to be negative here, but some people are saying it would be better not to deport US citizens who completed all the requirements of immigration. Yes, I know they’re black…” More information would be appreciated.
  15. The common people are stupid and/or in a cult. 30 years of right wing radio and news has finally culminated in an electorate this stupid and gullible Idiocracy has arrived. The common people want to be lied to, and to believe lies and to act hurtfully toward others. The Democrats cannot turn that huge swath of absolute stupid trash into decent right thinking humans simply by telling them their non- hateful policy proposals. And the common people avidly support nativist, racist homophobic dickheads - and absolutely buy-in on all the stupidest conspiracy theories that a slow child should be able to figure out. How exactly do you propose not ‘looking down on them?’ I’d love to hear your theory, because looking down on nativist, racist, homophobic dickheads is what decent people are supposed to do. At least when your efforts to educate them are defeated because they are dedicated to being ill informed haters who taking it as a matter of team and pride, never to look at a different opinion. It’s their brand now. You apparently want Democrats to reward that stupidity and deplorable behavior by agreeing with it. Or pretending it is something that it is not. But I will give your suggestion - that we try to understand the Klan members and not talk bad about them until we find common ground - (“O.K., we agree to disagree about the lynchings…”) and give it the attention it deserves.
  16. All of the Southern racists brought food to sick neighbors, taught Sunday school, consoled friends. They were the same families who supported hanging blacks and who threw rocks at school buses of little black kids. What you see in those people is them treating their fellow man well - so long as they look, worship and think exactly like them. Your friends are likely all in on deporting the Haitians from Springfield… but they’ll bring a poundcake by to the neighbor who just lost their dog.
  17. around here, his nickname is “skinny”
  18. only 8 more free drinks tonight. i may have planned poorly
  19. I was explaining why some people would think it was concerning. I was not saying I agreed that it was a great problem. if it’s a deep red county full of old female evangelicals, it will not move the needle at all. In fact, stealing your grand babies to make them trans will probably resonate with you. I do not disagree with a thing you said.
  20. it is concerning that in several red counties the percentage of votes for Trump is higher than it was when Trump lost by 11,000 While a very minor data dump, it questions. The notion that Republicans are abandoning Trump, or that Republicans and older women are abandoning Trump. Even a reduction would favor that theory, but Trump getting a higher percentage in those particular red counties is perplexing if that theory was widespread
  21. that sounds like someone who knows his state is going blue.
  22. I finally got the MSNBC app to work on my phone with the cruise line Wi-Fi through my home cable service - so I get to listen to Rachel and the crew, and my boy steve karnaki. I’m gruntled.
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