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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Counterpoint: unlimited, uninterrupted fapping. Plus, 80 mph Santa Ana winds blast furnace fire will take care of that ‘no heat’ part. Also, you could take the pets to your boat and watch the fires from off the shore.
  2. August 22, 2024 Manifesto. it was like Tebow‘s promise, but nobody created a permanent plaque
  3. “ For 30 years I’ve been the best shrimper on the Bayou, but do they call me Boudreaux the shrimper? No. All of the other fisherman come to me to work on their boat engines, no matter the type I can fix them all. But do they call me Boudreaux the mechanic? no …. But fuck a couple of dying birds….”
  4. OTOH, I did once get a round of 59 on GameBoy golf - so I may be a world record holder.
  5. I believe I am eminently qualified (and highly skilled) in not creating generational wealth for my family.
  6. named him after a man of the cloth. Called him Joshua Moses…
  7. Maybe the word “Stonewall” resonates with him.
  8. The generic is still about $12 per inhaler. The cost of name brand Glaxo Ventolin is about twice that. both are still a hell of a lot better deal than walking into Walgreens and buying it without insurance. folks without insurance need to look at GoodRX coupons as well, as for reasons unknown it often produces really good discounts.
  9. there was a period of time I did not have insurance (I was on my ex-wife’s plan, and my cobra was about $600 a month 20 years ago), so I used in-house pharmacy located near New Zealand(Vanuatu?). They won’t send you any narcotics, but you can buy antibiotics and prednisone and any asthma drug that suits your fancy for far less than you can buy it in America - with no prescriptions. I would get six Ventolin inhalers made by Glaxo for the Indian market that came out to about $10 per inhaler. The only thing they didn’t have is the little counter telling you how many times you’ve used it. The drug itself worked just fine. I tend to get respiratory infections, and I could buy Z packs for far less than the cost of going to urgent care to get a script - and paying full pop for the drug. It is not the preferred way to get healthcare, mind you, but was a lifesaver for someone who needed a cheaper way to get maintenance drugs with no insurance back in the day when pre-existing conditions could be used against you in a way the ACA later prohibited.
  10. And let’s be honest, we ‘d both pay for it.
  11. i’m pretty sure that all the reservations cable includes the weather channel
  12. Also, expertise in being the first person arrested and sent to the next administration’s FEMA camp. Finally (and here I’m reading between the lines), the preferred way to remove stubborn shart stains from underwear after Brisket’s culinary adventures
  13. Even if $1500 a month is an over-estimate for insurance premiums, that last paragraph says you have a little over 800 a month for all your car/truck notes, your vehicles’ insurance, clothes, the super cheap Texas electricity grid bill - AND your insurance co-pays - AND any life insurance premiums, school tuition and other costs if you have kids. Even folks with means can be knocked down by a medical event. After Katrina, my firm dabbled in bankruptcy law to keep the doors open. The vast majority of the clients were not irresponsible people buying bling and cars they can’t afford, but were people thrown into massive debt by medical bills because they had no insurance (or absolutely shitty insurance) that failed to cover a large part of their medical bills for a costly medical event. Most folks put it all on credit cards or home equity loans until they ran out of credit and lost the ability to pay their debts. If a full or half breadwinner was the sick one, then they had a double whammy of a loss of income. A lack of relatively free healthcare in our country is a huge factor that hurts business and employees and makes us less efficient. The cost to workers can lead to unnecessarily worsened health conditions, can result in a delay or cessation of employment due to the medical condition, lead todivorce, the loss of housing, etc. But those people should’ve worked harder and made more money and not imposed on everybody with the socialisms.
  14. Yancy RDCanecutter? (and yes, this is an olds reference)
  15. if by “Chaucer” you meant “Hunter S. Thompson”, then I agree.
  16. This is true. It also depends on whether you are like most people in America and living paycheck to paycheck who don’t have $8000 laying around - or a credit card with that amount on it so you can pay 24% interest on the amount in monthly payments forever. Note that I said “not paid less than $8000”, which was the floor and not the ceiling. And the $8000 was for the drug part - not the part B treatment part. I was on employer health insurance in 2019 and I paid far more the first year. And I was either smart or lucky, but I purchased cancer insurance right before I was diagnosed with cancer, which gave me a lump sum $11,000 once I could show them I had a cancerous tumor. That helped cover co-pays and the cost of hotels and airfare to my MDA appointments. The billed cost for my first year treatment was about $175,000, and my cheap ass BCBS insurance paid only 50% of the MDA part. Once I got on Medicare, my out-of-pocket costs for medicine drugs were capped at the previous discussed $8,000. My main point being the donut hole part of Social Security Medicare D change gave everyone in the country struggling with high price drug costs a $6000 gift.
  17. You make that sound like a bad thing when the Venn Diagram looks like a good thing.
  18. I met her about 10 years ago in Hawaii when she was filming that mike and dave need wedding dates movie. I was at a sushi place and a large party of the movie crew arrived and were seated next to us. It was a very informal kind of communal sitting thing. I obviously don’t know her, but damn could that girl put down some booze. She was like a sake vacuum cleaner. She was absolutely shitfaced by the time we left.
  19. Since I was diagnosed with cancer in 2019, I have not paid less than $8000 in co-pays each year. I just got a one month supply of one drug I take that costs me $1100 (this one is a non-cancer drug). The good news is that Medicare has changed the program for 2025 and now limits out-of-pocket to just $2000 - and then all my drugs are free. In other words, I just got a $6000 pay raise. I’m sure Trump will get rid of that and because of my pre-existing conditions my part B supplement plan will deny coverage and require me to pay over $4000 a month for the shot. ‘Murica!
  20. Gatorubet

    2025 Drunk Thread

    i’ve had a booster within 10 years. There is also a recent study showing that you likely have 30 year booster effectiveness. If it hurts or looks red and inflamed in a day or two, I will do exactly that thing though. that is a great suggestion.
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