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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Driving back from a doctor’s appointment I heard on MSNBC that JD Vance was at a rally today telling people that he’s long thought that when he hears Trump speak, he thinks of “hope for the country”
  2. Dunno. I only recall that I thought it was unconstitutionally vague. I remember thinking it might apply to actors in a military movie - or to family members who wanted to honor another family member by wearing a division patch on a piece of clothing - like I wore my fathers armored division patch on a baseball cap to honor him. I just assumed nobody thought that I was a veteran of a war fought before I was born - by wearing a patch of a division that is no longer in existence. I think the whole concept behind the law is stupid military knob jobbing, and a law that needed to be passed once every other problem in the country was solved.
  3. Only a moron would think that. The fact that you think MAGA is a “mainstream” viewpoint means that you agree with a cult of personality.
  4. “He never cured cancer either. And he had eight whole years to do it.” - Ani, probably
  5. and he’s too fucking stupid to know that criminal penalties are set by the individual states, and whatever he wants can’t be applied to them by federal legislation. But yes, let’s talk about that young girl who said you molested her on Epstein’s Island.
  6. my amateur historian self tells me that we are almost over the hump on that overt racism of the older people. My sons and the 30-year-olds they hang with are not at all as racist as older people. MAGA cannot survive for decades, and most of that demographic will be dead by then anyway. The one caveat I have is to say that when there are terrible economic times, like a bad recession or a depression, it is a hell of a lot easier to gin up hatred of the others - because people are looking for a reason for their misery, and it is far easier for them to be convinced that the black and brown people took their jerbs.
  7. Wow. this was from a recent survey by nerd wallet. They also say that John Hancock has a specialty policy for that which includes other services to help the diabetic client patient with weight management and other issues. The insurance company proactively seeks to keep the insured in good health. Thunder, I can’t vouch for the accuracy. I absolutely could be full of shit.
  8. meh. These are recent quotes for a 20 year term policy with a half mil payout. It’s doable if you want protection. I never said it was totally painless.
  9. Dunno. but lots of life insurance companies will ensure diabetics. sad situation for sure.
  10. I came here to see why the guy has razor wire surrounding his property - but does not want Biden to have security at the convention. And all I found was George Soros controlling Covid cases on Google using the imprisoned kids in the pizza basement to alter the covid numbers between molestations.
  11. As a gator, I would’ve been sad if somebody had ordered a hit on Mark Richt. Or Bobby Bowden in his later years. When a program is floundering, you do not want them to change the person in charge.
  12. That is really a great observation. I had a set of tailormade irons in the late 90s, and every time I pulled out my four iron I knew that I was gonna hit a perfect shot. Every time I pulled up my three I figured there was a good chance of a poor shot. Amazingly, my lack of confidence in the three iron often resulted in poor results, while my unfailing belief that my four iron shot would turn out perfectly, usually worked out that way. I have always loved golf because it is indeed one of the most mental athletic events.
  13. I find it somewhat bewildering that you give the entirety of the credit for the Biden administration to Biden, and essentially characterize Harris as an empty suit who did Joe’s bidding for four years, and who had no significant individual impact or influence on the administration’s success. I see her as an incredibly influential teammate of Joe who played a great role in the accomplishments of the Biden administration. I do not get how you credit the “Biden administration” and leave out Kamala’s influence and participation in that administration’s success - which you do by virtue of your suggestion that Harris could have an unsuccessful administration if she were elected….instead of Joe. if Harris wins, I think this country is going to go through some serious things. Some violent things. Things that require a young and healthy person to navigate the upcoming potential demise of MAGA, which will not go quietly or nonviolently. All respect to you, but when insiders right about this administration, they will say how great Joe is - and they will also perhaps comment on the behind-the-scenes story about Joe’s limitations, physically and mentally. I think it will be shown that he was a very old man with the limitations of a very old man - and that the level of success that he achieved as a very old man as president will become the stuff of legend. While she was not a co-president, I think we will find that she played a greater role in the administration than has been publicly admitted - all for political reasons, of course.
  14. I hear you. And I agree with a whole lot of that. My take on this is that the other side is pretty much baked in. I do not see any shit for brains Trump voter thinking that they would vote for Biden, but not Harris. I also think that an electoral shit ton of women, including a double shit ton of black women, are going to show up in numbers so great that it will dwarf any reluctant misogynist or racists. Misogynists and racists are already on team Trump. I’ve known for some time that the women of this country will be the saviors of it. The Democrats adding the abortion laws to all those ballots will create a blue wave of voters. I cannot guarantee you that it will be enough, but I feel 1000% sure in my gut that Kamala will be the catalyst that wins the White House. And if we win the White House, we are going to take the House. The Senate I’m not sure about, but don’t harsh my mellow. i’m thinking that the convention bounce will result in something like a 8 points Harris over Trump in polling (2 more than now). I do not think we’ve seen the zenith of weird deranged Trump behavior yet, but that being behind so much will make Trump behave in a manner that could push it to 10 points.
  15. You are sort of full of shitty takes tonight troph. Unless you have some deep personal information about the relationship between Biden and Pelosi over the last 50 years, I don’t think you’re in a position to judge how they feel about each other. it’s like you’d rather Joe remain the candidate and Trump become the last American president. if Pelosi was the one who actually convinced Biden to step down, either willingly or unwillingly, respectfully or back-stabby, she deserves the fucking Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  16. I have to say I was hoping for more Trump trashing than I thought would occur. I was very pleased to be wrong. Doddard is going to get carpal tunnel thumb from sitting on the shitter for the next eight hours texting.
  17. “…but I gave my best to you for 50 years. “ I teared up
  18. Markstanco probably has a Truth Social account. Maybe he can tell us what Donald is saying right now.
  19. My problem is my old Bronze Bullseye putter is more accurate in my hands than several Scotties I’ve tried.…..and that blank look I get from younger golfers on the tee when I congratulate them for “hitting it between the screws”
  20. You should demand a DNA match - your anus and the putter grip. If he’s your guy, the family will suspect it was him and give you the putter.
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