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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. show us on the plush toy where the gator hurt you
  2. We’ve had more games come down to the last play with LSU than any other team that is a regular opponent. We always have sloppy games that are nail-biters till the end.
  3. I find that the most surprising thing about this season
  4. The best cup of coffee I ever had was at a hotel in the old Spanish Capital of Antigua, Guatemala. And why do you hate the Blue Mountains of Jamaica?
  5. many frequented the BrisketCanecutter brothels - they were spectacular!
  6. I used to think fondly of him until I discovered it was not that type of gin
  7. My Swedish immigrant grandmother and her mom and siblings. The dude in the middle has one hand covering up his other hand. That’s because sometime after the turn of the century (19th) he had his hand mangled in an industrial accident working in a factory as a 10-year-old. You will notice there is no papa in the picture, because he died 5 years after he moved the family here from Stockholm. The entire family had to work to make ends meet. My grandmother and her sister both eventually caught two college educated American boys as hubs, so the family’s financial situation became much improved. Which is all to say, working your minor kids in dangerous factories is practically - as Hank Junior said - an American family tradition.
  8. you may not be aware, but political parties are not district attorneys. Does it hurt to be so stupid?
  9. These are great posts, because you can tell who the dumbest motherfuckers are - the most gullible, putrid, assholes on the site - by noting who gives positive rep to posts like this.
  10. Yeah, well, we have the toilets. Checkmate!
  11. it’s kind of like the time she poured acid on her face because she had a very vain boyfriend who was focused on her appearance rather than her intellect. She figured once she had the plastic surgery to correct the disfigurement he would see how much prettier she was now than before - because he cared about looks - and would eventually fall for her brain. Alas….he broke up with her via text an hour after the acid thing, saying, “So long, meatloaf face”.
  12. It involves white powder incased in bags of medical grade silicone - and a brief body cavity access surgery and subsequent air travel. For $9.95 I can break it down in detail for you. The “I’m not a mule” T-shirt is extra.
  13. “Who is that ducking? Ani! Who’s Dumb-fucking? Ani! Who eschews examples? Ani! Who ‘both-sides’ as he rambles? Ani! He will pronounce his thought as mental dynamite, Google it to sound more erudite - he loves to change the subject though it leads to fights… Ani - Ani, Ani don’t ya know, when you put both sides together - you’ve get yourself an A - Whole! “ I picked musical theatre.
  14. i’m gonna need to see the breakdown on % of veterans who voted for Trump in 2024 before I know whether to feel bad or not.
  15. just a little something to brighten your day and make you all feel better.
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