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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. My good friend Melba on Facebook told me that the only flavor we will be allowed is chocolate!
  2. I think that Vicki Lawrence trash made it to number one though. Not sure.
  3. Leave us not forget the total embarrassment that is The Night That the Lights Went Out in Georgia.
  4. interesting snippet from Russian television by Julia Davis. This is not a terribly long video, and here the Russian war correspondent Sasha admits that Ukraine has a robust air defense system in the area, preventing Russian sorties. The war correspondent says that things are “extremely tense and difficult”. He later admits there may be several thousands of Ukrainian troops. This is so awesome, because everyone in Russia now knows that Ukraine has invaded Russian territory, the mighty Russian Air Force is currently powerless, and the situation is “difficult”. It’s nice to hear that confirmation from Russia itself.
  5. I do not know this guy’s bona fides, but what caught my eye was him saying that jets roared overhead. That sounds extremely telling if Ukraine has air superiority over the part of Russia they are invading.
  6. I’m talking about the state of Florida Biff, not nationally.
  7. I respectfully disagree. I agree with you if Donny strokes out - but if he goes to prison, then junior will be his media conduit to the MAGA faithful from Donald’s prison cell. Naturally, junior will be walking the line between backstabbing his dad and taking the money - and supporting his father because he thinks that’s how he makes the most money. But because he is a Trump with a Trump personality, inevitably his dad will turn on him when the embezzlement from his father reaches unacceptable levels. But in the immediate post-prison aftermath they will be grifting at the speed of light, and junior will have a leading role in that. Just my opinion, probably complete bullshit.
  8. You have hit on something that’s pretty important. People want to be associated with success and winners. My analogy will be football gear. Now, alumni will always rock their school’s gear. But sports fans without a direct affiliation will wear the jersey of the team that’s winning right now. Florida was filled with Miami hurricane fans in the late 80s and early 90s. The rest of the 90s was all FSU and UF stuff, with everything UF in the mid-2000s The important thing is to be associated with the bad-ass winner. It is a human trait. People are so shallow that when their friends and neighbors support somebody or some thing, most people have a real problem opposing that for fear of losing friendships or being denigrated by the group.. That is my long-winded way of saying, I agree, and the continued success of Harris and Waltz will result in more bandwagon voters switching to the perceived soon-to-be winning side- - - because they want to be on the winning side.
  9. The Trumps have discovered the incredibly successful and lucrative grift opportunities of being the head of a political party. They will not give that up just because the GOP no longer has use for them. I think you can make bank that Junior and his siblings will try to continue the tradition even if his dad strokes out or is put in prison. Actually, Trump in prison is something junior dreams about every night. He would assume the mantle and the neck beards would keep sending their five dollars to him to get his dad out of prison. Which junior will direct to his own wallet. And his followers will not vote for any Republican RINOs - because if you are not MAGA, you are RINO, thus neutering the GOP. it’s perfect, really.
  10. and I hate to say it, but the death of that loathsome pustule Rush Limbaugh probably cost the GOP a few percentage points. He was like Joe Rogan on steroids, getting somewhat normal people to believe his absolute, crazy bullshit and become GOP haters worried to death about the other. I’m not saying other GOP pundits aren’t trying to pick up the baton, but I don’t think they have the reach and depth of support that Rush had in his hay day
  11. Since the 1990s, the one superpower that Republicans had was a consistent message delivery - delivered from all politicians and right wing talking heads from Rush to Fox. They were really outstanding on message discipline. Now, the GOP is all over the map saying different crazy things and Kamala and Tim and their party are pitching the “won’t go back” and “weird” and “ when we fight we win” mantra to some effectiveness. Having a slightly demented narcissist with no impulse control and a refusal to take advice from anyone that disagrees with his, well, that turns out not to be the best candidate attribute in 2024
  12. I have some good info on Portugal I could send him.
  13. It’s why I took typing in 1972 when the room full of girls and me were preparing for being a secretary. lol
  14. Quite correct. My not well-made point was that even his ardent supporters (who have no other candidate to turn to push their white nationalist beliefs) are aware of him being in free-fall. I was trying to show that our perception that things are going well is not a partisan fever dream - but something that his loathsome supporters feel too,
  15. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-dinner-guest-nick-fuentes-declares-war-on-the-ex-prez The white supremacist are becoming very concerned that Trump is fucking up the campaign and will lose Bigly. I’m trying to process what it means when you’re losing the white supremacists.
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