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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Nothing I said disagrees with your comment in any way. My point was that no matter how much we “commit” it makes no damn difference unless it’s actually in the hands of Ukrainian fighters. So a list of committed assets is not so helpful to my understanding of when they will be getting the needed kit
  2. The list says committed. It does not say delivered. But you have to think that uncle Joe is trying to shove everything he can to Ukraine by January.
  3. i’m wondering about the local Houston weather channels and what they are telling the public right now. Please update. My buddy lived in Houston, but his wife passed away, so he moved to Florida and remarried. I was with him last weekend in Florida and he was talking about finally getting around to selling his place in Houston. LOL. there may be some home equity changes in his near future.
  4. Oh, really? what about the sharks in Lake Titty-caca, hmmm?
  5. You’ve been PM-ing Helobious, haven’t you?
  6. Speaking of enshittening, let me talk about healthcare for a second. For 30 years I have had what they call Sampter’s Triad - where otherwise healthy 30-year-olds suddenly develop horrible adult asthma, get sinus polyp growth and also develop an allergy to aspirin that causes anaphylaxis if any aspirin product is taken. My sinuses are horrible, and I can’t sleep, resulting in breathing through my mouth, which makes my asthma worse. Granted, people like Michael J. Fox want to trade with me, but it still sucks on a day-to-day basis. They have now developed immunological treatments for my conditions, and there is a monthly shot that will literally clear my polyps, ease my asthma, and generally improve my quality of life. It only cost $3850 a month. A few years ago while I was still on my employers insurance, Blue Cross said I had to have several hospitalizations within a time period before they would give me the drug. If I wasn’t literally dying, then I could tough it out. Now I am on Medicare and a supplement - and it turns out I only have to pay $955 a month. I got my first shot, a week ago and already my sinuses are very much cleared and I have not had to use my inhaler. I feel much better. Because I get $3000 a month for Social Security I use that to pay for all things medical. Plus, I am working, which gives me the liberty to do that. Now imagine all the people in the country who have my exact same condition and cannot afford a grand a month for a shot. I don’t know how people making less than six figures get through some of this crap. it’s total bullshit for healthcare to cost that much.
  7. Levi saying that those north of the Texas-Mexico borderline need to still watch their corn holes. A slight track north obviously means a landfall further north - but more importantly that more northern track allows additional time over water for Beryl to strengthen in a very warm gulf. IOW, Intensity considerations are just as important as where it actually hits if it creeps north. And, as always, just as important to those meteorologic considerations is the way the public reacts to news that something might be coming their way. It is always good to get gas and food and other emergency supplies now in case “the end is near” lemming reaction starts to happen in a day or so.
  8. Live Hurricane Hunter footage of Beryl meeting wind shear event
  9. Just try find your favorite Nancy cartoon on the Internet youngster!!
  10. I think that you need to reassess the positive value of a drawer full of really cheap “boom motherfucker” T-shirts.
  11. None of that is accurate. Except maybe the part about where you don’t know shit. That is pretty spot on. And it is not throwing shade to comment on your legal analysis. Saying ‘nothing will happen to Trump’ is not really in-depth legal analysis. It’s just you repeating the same thing over and over again. For example, I think you were one of the posters proclaiming that no jury will ever convict Trump in the last trial. You will ignore the fact that Trump was in fact convicted, and pivot to point out that he’s not in jail - so you and your goalpost moving brethren can celebrate your perspicacity. Enjoy. I bolded your quote to give you an opportunity to repost old law dog posts where we said anything remotely like what you posted - Since you won’t be be able to find one, let me give you a good response: ”I’m not gonna look that up. Everyone knows you said it.” You’re welcome. Edit: on a re-read, I see that your issue Is also with Twitter legal experts who say ‘lightning bolt’…’trump’s going down ‘ blah blah blah. if I understand you, there might be a Twitter post saying Trump will lose his immunity argument in the DC circuit court. You say, “nothing will happen to him”, and one of us says that the tweet is absolutely right, there is no precedent for immunity and the DC circuit will affirm the trial court. The DC circuit court rules exactly like we said. Then the corrupt Scotus grants the writ and issues an unprecedented shit- tastic horrible decision helping Trump. You say, “See….we told you!” I can see your problem. It’s reading comprehension.
  12. Great post. It’s just too bad you can’t quote to any specific examples to back you up. But your sweeping generalities about the literally dozens of issues we’ve talked about in this thread are very helpful to everybody.
  13. Your stupid take should be put in CR so we can comment on it there. Feel free to delete everything after your first sentence. Or leave it there. On the list of who might be a mod, I am the last person on it.
  14. If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun, if you want to smell Hell - Jine the Cavalry!
  15. Looks like Lola Valentina’s and Mango Cafe goin’ be blowed away….
  16. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/MIATCDAT2+shtml/030247.shtml They don’t know how strong it will be or where it’s going, but other than that…..nailed it!
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