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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Next, there will be an executive order changing the number “15” to “18” so Matt Gaetz will be able to date who he likes.
  2. they should’ve used some kind of popular entertainment Tie-in
  3. Photographic representation of Spankytoes position:
  4. “ I have to go. I pulled some strings and purchased a share in a large salad. I’m on my way there now…”
  5. Remove access to audio-visual and to show movies?
  6. I also see SCOTUS vectoring off slightly in that decision to employ a unique interpretation of the commerce clause to require menstruation tents.
  7. When I was a poly psi major at Florida in the 70s, one professor of mine was an expert on impoundment and flew several times to Washington to be questioned by Congress on different issues. He lorded his importance over the class. Once that was no longer a permissible thing (SCOTUS ruling in theTrain case) he once again became just a sad little Poly-sci professor with a worn wool coat, bowtie and ubiquitous pipe. Actually, I should not be so mean to him. Knowing that he did not keep his finals papers, I waited until the last day to challenge a grade and got him to give me a B instead of a C in a five hour course, which kept me from being expelled for academic reasons. Having achieved that feat I got the fuck out of engineering and leapt into the warm embrace of political science.
  8. it’s not like the Vandals originated in Poland and wound up in North Africa.
  9. No, sir, you don’t. That lunch was the functional equivalent of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride on mushrooms. It’s value was inestimable. Sadly, it (Blind Pelican) did not survive Covid. The go-to happy hour for cheap oysters now should be Superior Seafood on Saint Charles and Napoleon.
  10. Curiosity says, do you have a breakdown of the crimes that are included in that 420k
  11. I wish you and your family nothing but pain and sorrow for the rest of your life. How’s that?
  12. That’s cool. What’s your company’s name - and where does the guy live?
  13. I thought he was more of the “I’d rather see you dead little girl than to see you with another man” type. You do not want a threesome. Historically, having sex with me would ensure that any bisexual would go stone lesbian. I used to get pretty hefty monthly checks from both Subaru and U-Haul.
  14. Do NOT test me asshole! I will turn trans, steal your woman, and we will drink wine while sharing intimate thoughts and make fun of your purse-shoes combo.
  15. Bolverk referred to me as a “high energy geezer” back then when MFCDG and Mr. B came by the Crescent City and met me for lunch and booze. I shudder to think what the descriptor would be now.
  16. Did they leave the ‘Chocolate Pudding with Whipped Runnaway Cream’ on the dessert menu?
  17. Is it my imagination, or is Surly even saltier than normal lately? We have always been a hive of scum and villainy, but it seems like recently we have kicked it up a notch. Myself definitely included.
  18. What you call “rough patches” I call “premium entertainment.” Watching MFCDG lurch back from the lady’s room with toilet paper streaming from the back of her pantyhose…and her stealing my steak knife “for protection” was a glimpse into a world that was fun to watch… but only because I was on the periphery of it.
  19. I remember reading that at the time. It was blocked from my memory. Curse you for posting that again.
  20. Yeah, my g-g-g grandfather was an LDS pioneer who had a homestead near Bear Lake. They eventually gave that up and moved to the big city - or as my late uncle called it, “the salubrious sunswept slopes of Soda Springs, Idaho” Diversity would not be welcomed in the western part of the state so much…
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