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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. it is centuries long precedent at the Supreme Court that we acknowledge our legal foundations from British Common Law. And we know from British history of the Peasant’s Revolt. And we know of the young king’s promise that he would not take revenge, and that, as soon as the danger to the King had passed, he slaughtered the participants in the revolt or imprisoned them. This precedent clearly supports the right of the sovereign/president to take revenge on the peasants who have angered that president. < Justices Thomas and Alito > “Sounds good to me!”
  2. Which will solidify the historical research by the Heritage Foundation on the Founder’s previously held, but not discussed, view of the Constitutional right of former Presidents to Bigly Seek Revenge.
  3. I was pleased for about two seconds until I realized how this thing is escalating - in a way I hope does not reach some of the possible conclusions.
  4. it needs to go north and play with Georgia
  5. He also sent cruisers to the Pacific to keep an eye on Japan when tensions were high and there was a great likelihood of Japan sinking the odd cruiser. In America’s “Remember the Maine!” tradition, the sinking of one of his pop-up cruisers would cause the death of approximately the same amount of military personnel as we lost at Pearl Harbor. He was more than willing to risk that, and some would say he would not be entirely displeased if Japan had sunk one of the cruisers - because that would be the alternate path to war in the Pacific - and therefore war in Europe - had Pearl Harbor never happened. I truly do believe in the adage that never attribute malice to what can be explained by simple incompetence, so I fall on the side of the fence that thinks Pearl Harbor was not known in advance… But I would not bet my life on it.
  6. Just thank God you never had to wear a mask at the Dollar General
  7. Bad ass wind storm The second video is awesome
  8. My advice is to do that procedure as many times within as short a period between as your insurance will allow. Your life is more important than their insurance money.
  9. ….fuck the SEC. But he’ll be SEC. So that’s means….either masterbation or incest?
  10. Cologuard detect 90% of cancer. So the good news is you save some money and miss the procedure - and the bad news is you’ll die of metastasized cancer of the 10% variety Edit: did not see new doc before I posted. I would also not do 10 years between colonoscopies nor would I wait till 50 to get my first one. Like doc said, people get the cancer more frequently in earlier than they used to, so the standard of care as to frequency of procedure is probably off
  11. What a wonderful thing lower expectations is. I don’t have to wander around pissed for a couple days. That was an enjoyable and unexpected run. We represented well for most of those 11 games. I can’t say I give a shit who wins if we can’t, but since I have to pick, I will root for the lesser UT.
  12. I’m not sure we have the budget for the 53rd staff member.
  13. Come on Gators! All we need now is a touchdown.
  14. We’ve had 70 years of FSU communication. We are fully fluent in little brother smack.
  15. ACC 0-5 versus SEC in 2024 CWS. On the plus side, Jaimie and FSU can watch to see which of the two SEC teams win tonight to find out if we know which one of those two SEC teams will ultimately play the third SEC team for the Championship.
  16. …and yet every year, the finished recipe tastes the same.
  17. So maiming KE is still on the table?
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