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Posts posted by Gatorubet

  1. On 10/12/2019 at 8:06 PM, Gil Bang said:

    so aside from a shitty little airport, and a pretty decent PoBoy place that has collapsing ceiling tiles and a couple of video poker games in a little plywood box, Lake Charles has Donald Fucking Trump.    

    What a paradise.  

    We have a new much larger shitty airport. 

  2. 4 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    I wish the Democrats knew how to go for the jugular.

    GOP does not agree what a jugular is, and denies that a jugular injury is a problem. More fake news.    So if the jugular was sliced, all you would really have is libs lying about their bright red commie juice.

  3. The question was asked directly, "did you inform the President about this "cabal/resistance?"

    She didn't answer directly on if she informed the President, only saying he was aware of it.

    “....so - you yourself did nothing to warn him?”

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  4. I don't know if I see Haley accepting a VP role. First, you need Pence to agree to resign or step away from the 2020 ticket. While not his call on the 2020 ticket, but Trump would need Pence to walk away graciously. Spend more time with family type of statement/interview.
    Second, Haley is tough and I don't see her willing to take a public role to spew the POTUS' crap every day.
    2024 does seem like an opportune time for her to run for President, so she needs to get back into the game at some level. Unfortunately Trump doesn't like anyone standing alongside him that comes across as anything but as a sycophant.  that's not Nikki.

    Somebody needs to ask her what she did when she heard about the Kelley cabal/resistance to Trump. So did you immediately ask to speak to the stable genius to warn him of this threat?

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  5. 1 hour ago, bolverk said:


    Unfortunately, the Church of Christ deacon who ran the local cable outfit thought Madonna was a slut and shut that shit down for subsequent high school classes.



    Madonna was a slut.

  6. On 11/1/2019 at 7:00 PM, Thetexashammer said:


    He got an investigation aimed at damaging his political rival. Exactly the same thing Trump was seeking.

    Now that Swam is gone, you've got to be the stupidest, most woefully ignorant, singularly partisan-governed-yet-bereft-of-actual-facts poster on this site.


    For the record, Obama did not instigate or lead it, and it was not aimed at Trump for partisan purposes.  It was because our allies intel communities thought Trump to be in cahoots with - ya know - the very people he turned out to be in cahoots with.     <mind blown gif>


    • Like 1
  7. On 11/2/2019 at 12:46 PM, JimmyJames said:

    Using the full name of Barack Hussein Obama is a Swam bit. The president done stoled it. Swamy should sue. 

    I wonder where that retard is sucking the government tit.   Which ship has engaged his services to edumacate the crew, and how many new work related injury claims he has filed? 

    • Like 1
  8. spacer.png


    Coach Mullen's wife, telling Lamical Perine at Gator Walk to shove a cactus up the ass of every worthless, leg-humping, flea bitten, mangy cur of a Mutt as he runs by on his way to a TD, or don't expect a seat on the bus back to Gainesville. *


    * my educated asumption

  9. 1 hour ago, washparkhorn said:

    There are two sides to every story. Wisdom comes with understanding both sides of an argument. 

    Wisdom is having the critical thinking skills to understand when the other side of the argument is just fake bullshit bloviation or abject stupidity. 

    • Like 3


    Stovall, 46, did not ever expect to end up living in a tent . She fled an abusive boyfriend in Galveston, hitchhiking her way to Houston.

    Stoval came from Michigan with one “a”.
    Hitchhiked her way across the USA
    Lost her wallet along the way, phone got stole and all she could say was,
    “Hey Babe. Take a walk on the homeless side....”
    And GOP say, Derp da derp da derp derp derp, Derp da derp, da derp derp derp....

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    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  11. Shelters are often dens of drugs, violence, trauma, and theft.
    Many homeless will tell you they would prefer to sleep on the street.

    Oklahoma is a shelter? Did not know that.

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    • Like 1
  12. [mention=3337]Horn Under a Bad Sign[/mention] you should deffo spoiler that rudeness lol. Not expecting titties while scrolling through a politics thread at work

    Like the Spanish Inquisition, no one expects rude titties in the poli thread. But unlike the Spanish Inquisition, they are welcome.

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  13. [mention=3337]Horn Under a Bad Sign[/mention] you should deffo spoiler that rudeness lol. Not expecting titties while scrolling through a politics thread at work

    Like the Spanish Inquisition, no one expects rude titties in the poli thread. But unlike the Spanish Inquisition, they are welcome.

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    • Like 8
  14. 1 hour ago, Thetexashammer said:

    When this impeachment fails and he gets reelected, you guys are just going to impeach him again. You'll just make something else up. It's gonna be a riot. 

    The walls are closing in. Unfortunately, it's really, really big room. Like, BIG. Superbig. Unfathomably big.

    Your side is made up of a combination of deplorables, the painfully stupid, the self-interested and aware but intellectually and morally dishonest, the turnip truck falling out-of clueless and gullible, the too-disinterested to follow any of this, and the hyper-partisan-don't-care-about-facts-I-support-my-guy/team mushroom suckers. 

    The current GOP Congress absolutely mirrors that demographic.   So you may be correct about the Senate not voting to convict.   Their scum supporters will vote them out of office if the don't support the POTUS treason.

    But saying that this is "made up" is dumb.  Even for you, dumb.   And that is saying a lot.



  15. 20 minutes ago, mulletpelini said:

    I don't care how much you want your team to win, you're an idiot if you think they got fucked on that call.  ZERO doubt it hit someone, video showed who.  Hell live I could tell it hit someone when it bounced so drastically in a different direction, just wasn't sure who it hit.

    These tards are saying the Dirt Burglar was blocked into the ball.   Glorious sad Pandas

  16. I'd dance a fucking jig but if it was committed by a foreign power then I'd still consider it an act of war and demand retaliation. 

    Like - a semi-tough fine.

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  17. LOL that male alpha nerd culture is horrible, I thrived in it most of my career. It was also something my wife took a very hard stance on early in our marriage when it used to bleed into my personal life.

    Shocked you support Trump

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  18. Again, I am not saying it is not sleazy or potentially impeachable, I am saying I dont think it technically broke election law.

    You choose to ignore the fact that linking one (investigate Biden) to the other (fund military aid to Ukraine) was of great benefit to Trump.

    It is EXACTLY the same thing as saying to Trump - the Ford Dealer - asking for an investigation on the manufacturers of Chevy, Dodge and GMC trucks.....’cause he heard they were involved in corruption.

    Nobody gives a shit about his POTUS status or the fact he claims a legit excuse for his illegal ass-hattery. That is clearly a ham-handed lie to enrich himself.

    Anyone but a moron can see that his true motivation is to help his Ford dealership. Anyone but a moron can see that his true motivation is to help his 2020 election chances.

    They are both improper actions made to benefit himself personally, and an abuse of office. Election law is violated when he receives a thing of value from the foreign actor. A Biden hit is a thing of value.

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