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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. my best guess at the end of the day was about 10 inches of snow. it continued to snow for about three hours after the birdbath picture. Edit: at 7 AM this morning it was 17°.
  2. This will all blow over. I advise liberals to take up a hobby like golf - or hunting. Hunting nuisance hogs is a good thing - and AR platforms are useful for getting rid of these nuisance hogs. We should make a greater effort to find common cause with our friends on the right. They also like weapons, and liberals buying weapons would give us something to bond over with them.
  3. “One of these things is not like the other… “
  4. I-10 and 610 interstates are closed as are all of the elevated bridges over water. As the rain turned to sleet before the snow came, we have a pretty good layer of ice beneath the snow that is deceiving if you decide to take a spin to look at the pretty weather. Since we do not have a fleet of salt trucks, it will be an interesting question how long before anyone can drive, because tomorrow is supposed to be colder than today. “What can a man do against such reckless snow?” All this man can do is be glad he made sure he has everything he needs to make a pot of red.
  5. Apparently, the idiots in Louisiana did not get the message about staying off the roads because I just got this text sent to me
  6. i’m supposing the ants all surround the queen and masturbate so that the energy and heat produced keeps her warm and she survives.
  7. meanwhile, in balmy tropical New Orleans… It is really snowing pretty hard right now and it is 26 outside.
  8. But man, are you so totally correct that winning the whole thing is just a few plays and often a matter of luck. Florida’s first national championship required you guys to beat Nebraska and Ohio State to beat Arizona. Our second national championship required us to block a last second field goal against a Spurrier coached South Carolina and a UCLA win over USC. That is why getting so damn close hurts so much.
  9. You don’t have to actually have it to help kick its ass. And there is never a time not to kick its ass. And you can even sucker punch it when it’s not looking at you and no one will speak badly about you. And you can repeatedly scream “Kisqali” at it as it slowly dies after a good PET scan and… see…nobody cares.
  10. Plus, all the bird eating on Tuesdays. Biden did NOTHING to stop Tuesdays when he was President..
  11. Word!! Everything about that place rocks. The first time I went in a men’s room stall there and saw the sign saying “call this number if you’ve soiled yourself and we will come assist you” - I knew those folks had their shit together and were all about helping patients with the myriad horrible problems that came with the disease. your wife and MD Anderson are about to kick some serious cancer ass
  12. Bullshit! That’s just like saying global warming is true even though it’s really cold at my house right now.
  13. I guess you like reading articles written by stupid people. To blame the modern GOP for acting like cult member lapdogs because Ford pardoned Nixon for his criminal behavior at a time when the country was at historic divisiveness because of the Vietnam war is something someone could only come up with while on mushrooms. All of the cult members pledged to support him even if he was convicted of his many and varied criminal enterprises. None of the cult members even remotely care what happened in the early 1970s….although I have heard from many that nothing Nixon did was as bad as wearing a tan suit and eating fancy mustard.
  14. She should only be wearing one glove… ”E- heeeeee!”
  15. Did you recently get hit on the head and forgot that president trump committed all kinds of actual criminal acts? Or were you hit on the head as a child, in which case you have, my sympathy.
  16. Put my cock in a 26° box? Sir, I’ve been divorced for over a decade.
  17. He has to admit it if we ask him
  18. There is a gorgeous red rooster who just has adopted our law office open patio. I threw him a piece of bread which he immediately scarfed down. I know nothing about roosters and how well they do in 25° weather, but I cut a hole in a large box and put it outside if he wants to get out of the wind. If he doesn’t survive, first, you make a roux…
  19. Number eight would be really good for ski season, you know, like doing Air Chairs
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