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Everything posted by ozzie55

  1. you are a fucking idiot. IF YOU KNEW HOW TO READ AND COMPREHEND then you would know that those rapes were not made by all football players you dumb fuck. The athletic department was used as a scapegoat, as testified under oath. You can bitch and complain and try to make UT superior all you want but tell the truth for God's sake. RAPE IS RAPE SO YES, BY UT KEEPING IT QUIET AND OUT OF THE MEDIA, IT IS CONDONING IT.
  2. you just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.....
  3. hahahahahahahaha yea right!
  4. Are you counting the final rankings for this past season? They aren't out yet but BU is sure to be Top 10, probably Top 5. That willl change things......TOP 10 UT-1, BU-2 OR TOP 5 UT-0, BU-1
  5. You should be.......2 games last year, an administration that will make the changes needed, and 12 wins this year. Id be jealous too.
  7. OMG i choked!!! That is a bold faced lie.
  8. You must not read your bible.......they dance, they drink. How long are you going to milk this to make yourself feel better about the failures of UT FB?
  9. Oh he has definitely figured it out.
  10. You're just pissed because UT FB can't EVER GET IT RIGHT. Baylor did. You are a very small man when you cant give credit where credit HAS BEEN EARNED.
  11. uh you must have lost touch with reality if you think the media glossed over anything Art Briles or you were born just yesterday. OR could be a little butt hurt he turned the UT job down
  12. I guess you didnt watch the ceremony after where they hand over the hardware and say "one of the absolute best defense performances in SugarBowl history". '
  13. My God stop with the bitching and moaning about BU BB. Won the B12 and the NATTY. THEY RULE THIS STATE AND CONFERENCE IN BB. Move on.
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